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Akela POV

I yawned as I walked into the exorcist cram school. My blood red locks bounce behind me as I make my way to a certain classroom. I continue to walk before I meet the door that will lead me to the new Exwires. I slowly open the door to get a bunch of eyes staring at me. My ear twitches as I hear one of them whisper. "A demon? I thought the school had a protective barrier around to keep demons out."

I quietly walk over to the boy who said that. He had a bald head and red glasses. "Mepphy~chan invited me in." I smirk. A boy with black hair and black square glasses walks in and glares at me. "Akela would you stop bothering my students." I smile and disappear and appear behind the boy. "Oh Yuki~chan I'm just having fun." I whine and hug him.

Yukio sighs. "Akela would you stop trying to seduce me?" I sigh. "Fine fun hater." I pout and walk over to a boy with dark hair, blue eyes, and pointy ears and teeth. "Oh isn't it Rin, Yuki~chan's little brother." Rin smiles. "Yep that's me!" I giggle a little and walk over to him to whisper in his ear. "So this is where you've been my prince." Rin's eyes widen and turn around to Punch me but I grab his fist. "Now you wouldn't hit a lady now would you?" I smirk and he sits back down.

Yukio finally speaks up. "Class this a dear friend of mine, her name is Akela. She is the daughter of Amelia the demon of love and lust." I take a bow. "Nice to meet ya students." I blow a Kiss to them. Yukio continues. "She will be helping you experience what a real demon would do when you're on a mission. We will be acting like she is trying to kill us so you will be using your skills. But the one rule is do not kill her!" The students nod. "Now you all are going to introduce yourselves to Akela."

A boy with pink hair stands up. "I-I'm Shima n-nice to m-meet y-you!" He stutters and I laugh. A girl with short blonde hair stands up. "I-i'm Moriyama! Nice to meet you Ms. Akela!" I smile. "No need for formalness. Just call me Akela."

---After a long line of introductions---

Yukio stands in front of the students. "Alright we will be doing a drill where you have to take Akela down somehow but you can't kill her." I wave. "I'll go easy on you." Yukio sighs. "Alright the winner will get a prize or something from Akela." Shima clenches his fist. "Oh Shima what's wrong?" I ask as I tilt my head slightly. Shima blushes. "I'm going to win so I can get a prize from you!" I smirk. "I like your spirit. Mind if you could give it to me?" Yukio smacks the back of my head. "Oi Yuki~chan! What was that for!?" Yukio gives me a death glare. "Remember our promise that you wouldn't try to seduce the students in to them giving their spirits to you!"

I pout. "Fine" Yukio continues his instructions. "I will be participating as well." The students ready themselves as I quietly stand in the middle of them. I smirk. "I'm only going to use defense. I won't attack you." Yukio makes the first move and begins shooting tranqulizers and I dodge with ease. I smirk and land back on my feet. "Come get me!" Rin runs up behind and tries to hit me with his sheathed sword. I block it with my arm and its sends him flying into a wall. I look to both of my sides and see two fox type demons. "Hmm?" I smirk and walk over to Izumo. "I suggest you don't leave your papers out." I smile and rip the paper that laid on the ground. The demon foxes disappear and smirk. "Who's next?" Moriyama whispers to a small green demon spirit. "What?" Suddenly I'm trapped by tree branches. "You really think you can stop me with this?" I smirk and the branches burn from the red fire around my tail. Shima comes running at me with a staff like weapon. I dodge him until I feel someone has a grip on my tail. "Oi you don't touch a girl's tail!" I turn around and find Rin. I blush madly and kick him into a wall and hold my tail away from anyone.

Yukio sighs as everyone stops. "You found her weak spot Rin. A demon's tail is very sensitive especially a female's tail." Akela gives Rin a death glare. "You touch my tail again, I will chop your fingers and toes off and feed them to my demon hound!" I continue to blush until I'm shot with a tranquilizer. I collapse to see Yukio pointing his gun at me. "You dumbass" I say before I fall asleep.

---A little while later---
I find myself on a table with the students surrounding me. I sigh and slowly sit up as the students back away. I quickly spot Yukio by Rin and I speed walk over to him. "Yuki~chan how dare you shoot me!" I grab the collar of his shirt and lift him off the ground. The students tense up and ready their weapons just in case. Yukio struggles and I drop him. He coughs while the students rush over to him.

I stretch and soon a gun is met to my head. "Yukio I suggest you don't kill me or Shiro will be disappointed in you." Yukio drops his gun to his side and looks down while Rin tenses up. "He's dead" My eyes widen and I can feel my body get heavier so I fall to my knees. "He can't be dead! Shiro is alive!" Tears begin to fall from my red eyes. "He's alive!" Yukio puts his hand on my head and I continue to cry. "Shiro can't be dead! He just can't!" Roses started to surround me while vines begin to wrap around Yukio and the students. "SHIRO!" I continue to sob. Yukio yells for the students to get out of here. The students run outside of the classroom. "Akela it's ok." Yukio struggles to get over to me while the rose thorns scratch his arms and legs.

Suddenly I feel arms wrap around me and a gentle kiss on my forehead. "Yukio I miss Shiro." He nods and he continues to hug me.

"He was the only one that I trusted." I continue to cry.  

Yo its Mad Hatter! I hope you liked my horrible story. 

Uh if you have any suggestions on what you wanna see in this story then comment here or pm me. 

Words: 1133 

Bye! <3

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