Headcanons 1

47 5 27

-literally pours their heart and soul into camp firework/light displays

-gets so triggered if they're canceled

-wore a Christmas jumper on November 1st and still wears it as much as possible

-has a union Jack button up that she makes a point of wearing to anything even remotely American (especially 4th of July)

-probably the most likely to sneak alcohol into camp because of the drinking culture she grew up with

-"I'm not drunk you are"

-F A N D O M M E R C H

-legit has a T-shirt with Coran dabbing

-somehow always smells of smoke

-but it's not unpleasant for some reason??

-actually asthmatic but has lost her pump so is in constant prayer that she doesn't have an asthma attack, because if so she's s c r e w e d

-will eat LITERALLY anything

-yes I mean literally

-other then dick, obviously

-has the bad habit of pretending problems are nothing till they build up until they're unbearable and she has a breakdown

-punny 4 days

-has pink, fluffy unicorn pyjamas

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