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Just a little tid bit here the Ganondorf in this is the one from Tears of the kingdom before he got the stone if you don't want spoilers don't read the book!

Me: *Smiles* Hello! You can call me Winston! I would like to introduce the available character's to you! And some of you I will not allow to kill each other either!

Jeff: I am Jeff. If you don't know me, I'm sure you know my knife *Flashes knife*

Me: Put that away please, *Gulps*

Masky/Tim: I'm Masky! If your lucky enough I might allow you to call me Tim.

Hoodie: *Waves*

Masky: That is Hoodie but he doesn't speak much if at all.

Me: Ah okay. I will keep it in mind. Since your here if you ever would like to, you don't have to wear your masks here.

Masky: Thank you. Where I reside we have to wear them majority of the time. Or boss will get mad. This is a relief. *removes mask*

Hoodie: *removes mask as well*

Revali: *crosses arms* bought time I get some recognition. I am Revali, Warrior of the Ritos!

Me: *sighs*

Link: Hey, Nice to meet you! *Waves* I'm Link

Mipha: Hello! It's a pleasure to be here *smiles* my name is Mipha. Princess of the Zora

Jeff: Fish princess?

Me: Be respectful!

Jeff: *Glares*

Daruk: Greetings everyone! Gee everyone seems smaller since I'm here. I'm Daruk!

Me: *laughs* Indeed we are!

Ganondorf: *walks in* Ugh these creatures. Must I be in a room with them? *grunts*

Me: *Eyes Ganondorf from head to toe and blushes slightly* unfortunately, yes.

Ganondorf: *Grunts*

Mipha: Oh my, your face is red, are you okay?

Me: Y-yeah I'm fine *clears throat*

Ganondorf: *Raises an eyebrow*

Me: MOVING ON! *regains composure*

Sidon: Hello! It's wonderful to be here

Mipha: Sidon! You grew so tall!

Sidon: Indeed dear sister!

Teba: I am Teba. A warrior in training!

Revali: One after my own skills eh? Intriguing!

Urbosa: Oh please everyone that comes after us with our power is going to be someone with our own hearts!

Revali: Hmph!

Zelda: *Courtesies* Hello, I am Princess Zelda. Ruler of Hyrule. Its a please to meet you all.

Ganondorf: *Rolls eyes* just because I got here doesn't mean I'll say anything that you expect me to say

Jeff: *Eyes Ganondorf* I already can't stand you

Ganondorf: Didn't ask you to

Me: Jeff, enough.

Jeff: *rolls eyes*

Me: *Sighs* This is going to be a long day already. Anyways... continue on

Vaati: *Not paying attention*

Me: Uh... Vaati? VAATI?!

Vaati: Huh, what? Oh! Uh... hi, people.

Me: Anyways...

Randy: Yo sup? I'm Randy warren

Jeff: *sighs* why the hell is he here?

Me: Because I want him to be so suck it up!

Ganondorf: What is your race if I may ask?

Me: Never thought you would actually be curious enough to ask. We are considered humans. Though they consider people like Jeff, killers.

Ganondorf: Interesting.

Jeff: *sighs*

Ganondorf: *rolls eyes at Jeff*

Me: *pinches bridge of nose* okay well, let's get a move on here.

Dark Link :What are we doing again? Oh...greeting Light Dwellers.

Jeff: *Snickers*

Ben: *Waves with controller in hand* Sup? I'm Ben Drowned. *Glitches* You've met with a terrible fate haven't you? *Laughs* Oh, don't worry I won't hurt you! *Grins showing teeth*

Link: *Shivers*

Midna: Who wants to tease Link with me? *Glances at Link*

Malon: *Laughs* Hi! It's so great to meet a new friend or two!

Ghirahim: *Teleports in front of all of us* Oh, hello! You can call me Ghirahim

Ruto: Link! There you are, we are already introducing ourselves? Oops, sorry. Hi! I am Princess Ruto! *Smiles*

Mipha: Another princess? Oh my!

Ruto: Yes I am from Oot.

Link: *Sweats* Oh no...

Zant: *Showing off his flexibility* I am Zant!

Midna: *Rolls eyes* Dear Din people help me not choke him...

Zant: Hmph!

Ilia: *Waves* Hello, I am Ilia! I cant wait to answer questions!

Groose: Ilia...What a beautiful name. Nice to meet you. I am Groose, but everyone already knows that. I am more popular than that shrimp over there *Gestures to SS Link*

Ilia: Okay...

Skull Kid: *Giggles* Hey! Wanna play a game? It'll be fun

Ben: Is it a video game?

Skull Kid: It depends

Ben: Sweet!!

Fi: *Bows* It is nice to be in your acquaintance. I am a sword spirit that Hylia has created to heal the hero, Link.

Ghirahim: F-fi, was it? *Bows and kisses Fi's hand* What a lovely name.

Fi: I calculate a 95.8% chance you are flirting and 100% chance that you and I will never be together. *Jerks hand away*

Me: *Facepalms* Anyways, I think that concludes our introductions, so I have fu--

??: HEY! HEY LISTEN!! What about me? You forgot about me!

Me, Link, and Ben: Oh Boy...

Jeff: *Glances at me then raises an eyebrow at Ben*

Navi: You can't do this without me! Without me, where would this lazy loaf be?! *Hovers over Oot Link*

Ganondorf: *glares*

Katrina: Omg SHUT UP!

Me: Katrina calm down!

Katrina: She don't need to be so shreiky

Me: I know but still!

Oot Link: Wait! What?

Ben: *Laughs*

Me: Okay, okay. Fine. But don't be annoying...

Navi: When am I ever--

Me: Lets just go already okay? Bye!

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