Ballora X Funtime Foxy Part 1

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Ballora was in her room sleeping when Funtime Foxy came in and said "Ballora?" Ballora didn't hear him. Funtime Foxy blushed. Then he walk up to Ballora and kiss her cheek . In the morning Ballora woke up didn't know what happened last night. Later with Foxy he was in a grave yard with Bonnie tied up to a chair. "So you have a crush on Ballora" Foxy said holding a axe. Bonnie was shaking than Funtime Foxy said  "Well.....SHE'S MINE!!!". Funtime Foxy than hit Bonnie with the axe Funtime Foxy than started laughing. " Ballora!" He said. Funtime Foxy walk to Ballora's room "Hi Foxy" Ballora said than Ballora blush because Funtime Foxy was holding her hands and got close to her. "Foxy what are you doing?" She said shy "Well.. I... I love you.." Funtime Foxy said. Ballora started blushing really pink. Then Funtime Foxy kissed Ballora on the mouth. Ballora kissed back.

To Be Continued....

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