Underneath the Water

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"Are you sure we'll get away with it?" I ask, and shift the body in my hands in an attempt to hide their trembling.

The moonlight shines on the dead old man in my arms. My stomach clenches at the metallic smell of blood. It streams down the bullet hole in his head. I killed him. The forest closes in on me, suffocating, drawing the life out of me like I did to the old man. I'm a murderer. A twig snaps under my foot bringing me back to the most urgent worry.

"William?" I squeak, panic flavoring my voice.

William's cold calculating blue eyes glance at me. "Yes, we will get away with it." The old man's head rolls onto his arm. William's face contorts in disgust. "I cleaned up everything. It's going to be fine. All we have to do is bury the body." Sweat drips down his face.

I take a shaky breath. "What about the money?"

"I have it."

We carry the body deeper into the forest. Our feet slide on mud and leaves. Oak and ash trees shield the full moon's light. My black hair sticks to my face. Exhaustion clings to the air. And by the time we reach a river we are both panting like dogs.

"Here," William says, trying to catch his breath.

What?" I huff.

"We will bury him, here."

"'Kay," I say, and bend over to look at the large brief case.

My hands itch. 100 grand and half of it mine! I need the money. If I don't get it the bank is going to kick my baby daughter, Alice, and I out. I'll have to file for bankruptcy. Desperation pinches my gut.

"Joy," William says, wiping the dirt from his hands. "I have a better idea. Let's throw him in the river."

"Are you sure?" The scar on his left cheek twitches. A sign of annoyance.

"We are going to throw him in the river." Each word presses down on me.

My cheeks flush with chagrin. "Fine."

We pick up the body. His spongy skin makes my stomach heave. William being six feet tall makes the body tilt toward me more. I watch the old man's ashen face sink out of sight. Glassy eyes burrow into me like a tick. Guilt prickles in my chest. It's my fault.

A plan forms in my head as he disappears in the murky water. I need my half of the money from William. Now. Then, I need to go home, get Alice, and leave town. From there I will gradually turn the money into the bank. Everything will be fine. Right?

"William, split the money with me and let's go." His lean body coils up like a snake, eyes twitching in fury.

"I call the shots. You'll get the money when I say."

"When?" I cross my arms. "When, do I get my half?"

"You don't get half."

"What?" My stomach drops. "I deserve that money too!" My voice climbing higher with each syllable. "If not more!"

"Not my fault you're a murderer."

A smile played at his lips.

Something inside me snaps, and I start to pace.

"I had to kill him."

"You never have to do anything."

"Shut up!" I scream, and yank at my hair. "I had to kill him! He was going to call the police!" My body hit the ground trembling. Tears burn at the corners of my eyes.

William continues his mocking, scraping deeper into my soul. "As I recall your husband ran out on you. Leaving you jobless, and with a screaming newborn."

Fear and ire build inside me. He has to give me the money, I need it.

"You will get 10 grand, and be happy with it."

"No." I look up at him through blurry green eyes. "In fact," my voice cracks, "now I want more than half."

Hands grab at me lifting me off the ground. The veins on William's arms bulge, showing off more of his flame tattoos.

"I want that money," he says, pressing his forehead to mine. A feral passion swirled in his eyes.

My heart drummed in my chest. Adrenaline rushes through my blood lighting up every part of my body, giving me a bold confidence. "I need the money." William tightens his grip on my shirt as I try to wiggle free. "You can steal more," I grunt, aiming a kick at his knee.

William's arm twitched. Pain stabbed through my right cheek, radiating across my face, and down my neck. A gasp escapes my lips. He slapped me. My blood boils over, and I claw at his arm.

He growls and drops me. I cough, thankful that I can breathe again. In one deft movement William grabs my neck. Black spots haze my vision. Tears wet my face. Callused hands squeeze tighter. I stop struggling as my body grows numb. He lets go of me and my body hits the ground with a sickening thud.

Carefully I try to get up, but he slams the brief case onto my head. I give up. I feel blood trickle down my face and into my mouth. Hands lift me up, and my body lolls like a ragdolls. Whimpering and praying surrounds me. Mine or his? My body crashes into the river. Everything evaporates into water. Wrapping around me; filling my nose and mouth. I cough sucking in more liquid. My thoughts slow. Lord, please take care of my daughter. Water and thoughts coalesced into darkness.

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