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00| prologue

You looked down to your once new—but—now—worn—out converse, you were standing in the middle of the whispering crowd for almost five minutes now, you were clutching both of your hands, and bitting your lip, that you can now taste the blood. You hated it.

"Oppa, look at her." A high pitched voice beamed through out the hallway, making the crowd silent, oh no, don't you dare come near me. You wanted to be swallowed by the ground right now, but that can't happen—ever.

You can hear the floor clicking as he walked over to you, "look at me." He commanded with his deep voice, it's so soothing and calm that you hated it for the fact that it makes you feel comfortable with him even though you still don't even know his name, and even thou you felt the urge to look up, you still didn't looked up, you are ashamed to look at him and see him—wait why would you be ashamed when you did nothing to him, hell you don't even know who he was, but all you know is that you bumped into him and he didn't heard your 'sorry, "I said look at me!" He shouted making the whispers utterly silent and you, tremble.

You looked at him, and gulp as your orbs locked with his caramel colored eyes, that is starring down to you, it makes you feel insecure at how he looked at you, he's so cold. He is like a god to be honest, with his amazing features and all, he seem to be popular and a jerk just like every boy that the girl encounter on her first day of school that always happens on every cliché drama and books you read and watched, but as much as you hated to say it, you can feel that you'll be drag into the drama of your new school, sigh.

All of your thoughts were interrupted by a giggle, an annoying one. "Oppa, why does she looked like that?" She asked as she pointed at your clothes, you were only wearing an oversized white shirt with your loose jeans, since you still haven't gotten your school uniform, but still you put your name tag on,"What's wrong with wearing an appropriate clothing?" You asked out loud which made the crowd gasps and laugh

"You go, girl!" Someone yelled, you're not happy to hear that, why? Because you know for sure that the boy you just bumped into a minute ago would do something bad to you.

"What did you just sa—"

Not wanting to look weak, you just shrugged, "I don't even know why I'm here, but let me answer your question and rephrase it for you," you trailed off

You clicked your tongue, "all that I'm trying to say is that, you dress like a ho—oh wait, I don't want to say such inappropriate things." You said, you are gaining confidence once again, and you hated it, why? One; it might get you into trouble, two; you might be labeled as the sarcastic bitch, once again.

But you can't help it, you like at how you roast people, it's you're nature, so no turning back now, (name). You smirked as you turn your gaze to the blonde girl, you flutter your eyelashes, "oh no, don't grit your teeth like that, you look like shit." You said as you saw her gritting her teeth

"You bitc—"

"Honey, I own that title." I smirked before turning on your heel and walking off.

"Wait! You write poems?" A deep voice shouted

Oh no.

You stopped on your tracks, as you balled both of your fist and clenched your teeth, oh no way in hell he'll know a bitch writes a freaking poem specially if it's about love. You thought and turned on your heel, you smiled, "I don't, my friend does." You said confidently even though you don't even know anyone in this school.

The tall boy cocked his left eyebrow and smirked, "who?"

You knew this was coming and you already saw a boy who is quite distant from the crowd, he was leaning on his locker, you supposed, with his book opened and his eyes examining it, his eye glasses on the tip of his nose, he does look like a nerd that you would fall for, why? Because he is a hot nerd.

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