Ch. 1

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Click. Click. Click.

You'd only been here for two months and it was already exhausting. Your Demonology professor had been lecturing for a while now, and every now and again you'd allow yourself to nod off into a light sleep, your chin resting in your palm.

Usually you wouldn't have been so slack, but you'd been up all night studying for the past two weeks to pass the quarter final. Everybody had done exceptionally well, including yourself, and you figured you deserved a break.

Click. Click. Click.

Through the rambling of Mr. Okumura's review session, there was the clicking of a pen every few moments. Particularly right as you'd fell into a comfortable snooze.


You glanced lazily up at the clock instead, calculating just how much longer this class would be before you could go back to your dorm and take a nap during lunch time.

Click. Click.

Not too much longer, about thirty minutes or so. Even so, you still managed to close your eyes, seeing as how every one else around you knew this information wasn't anything new and occupied themselves in various ways. Izumo read a book at her desk some feet away from you while Shiemi doodled on some notebook paper. From the back of the classroom, you could have sworn you heard the sounds of a video game. The only one who seemed to be actively engaged and listening was Ryuji, though he always took his classes serious, even outside of the cram school.

Click. Click. Clickclickclickclickclick-

You couldn't stand it anymore.

"Dude, seriously?! Can you stop?"

You lifted your chin from your hand slightly, looking to your left at Rin Okumura whom you'd shared a desk with. He looked back at you, dumbfounded as if he had not a clue in the world what could be aggravating you.

"Geez, what's up with you?" Click. Click. Even as he furrowed his brow in confusion, he still didn't quit with that damn pen.

You suddenly snatched it out of his grasp, not in the mood for his stupidity today, and threw it towards the front of the room. "Hey!" he spoke a little louder, "what the hell?"

"You've been clicking that stupid pen for the last ten minutes!"

"You could've just asked me nicely to stop."

"I did? And you continued!"

"That doesn't give you the right to take it out of my hand though, does it?"

"It does if you're being annoying on purpose-"

"That's enough." Mr. Okumura's voice interrupted the bickering, for which you were grateful. You were sick of arguing with an idiot like Rin anyways. Everybody was looking in your direction, wondering what was going on. "But Yukio, that's totally not fair! She snatched it from me and threw it!"

The professor picked up the discarded pen, walking it back over to Rin and setting it down on the desk a little too forcefully. "Then perhaps you shouldn't make unnecessary noise with it." He spoke in a low tone, looking up over his glasses. "And as for you, keep your hands off of things that don't belong to you." You rolled your eyes, but remained silent, a little embarrassed that he'd had to call us out and put us on the spot. "I swear, sometimes it feels like I'm doing more babysitting than teaching..." he spoke to himself as he returned to the front of the room. "Hey, who you callin' a baby?" Rin growled at him, but he was already halfway to the front.

"Now then," Mr. Okumura's face brightened as he resumed his usual tone-of-voice, returning to his daily lecture.

A few moments passed before Rin broke the silence between you two again. "Guess you didn't know Yukio could be a pretty serious guy." he chuckled, looking over at you. Sometimes you forgot that those two were related.

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