Chatroom 1

157 6 17

Chatroom: Volleyball, much yes, much wow

Members: CrisCrisLibero, MiniMiddleB, CorPiServer

LittleGiantJr. has joined the chatroom

Tiredyama has joined the chatroom


Tiredyama: BOKE!!!

LittleGiantJr.: Awww, looks like tiredyama is sweepy 

LittleGiantJr.: Does the sweepy setter need his nap?

Tiredyama: SHUT UP BOKE!!

CrisCrisLibero: Oya?

MiniMiddleB: Oya Oya?

Tiredyama: ...

Tiredyama: Hinata... don't tell me you went to the wrong chatroom..

LittleGiantJr.: Huh? No way!

LittleGiantJr.: Look, Tsukishima is here!

CrisCrisLibero: Tsuki..?

MiniMiddleB: shima...?

CorPiServer: ...

CorPiServer: What happened while I was gone?

MiniMiddleB: Some randoms came into le chat

CrisCrisLibero: Yes, much of the randoms

CorPiServer: I see...

Tiredyama: Pretty sure if it was Tsukishima, he wouldn't have 'mini' in his name

Tiredyama: Actually...

Tiredyama: I see that username more suitable for you than the other person here

LittleGiantJr.: Huh?!

LittleGiantJr.: But you don't even know the other person!!

Tiredyama: True

Tiredyama: But I still see it being more fitting for you

MiniMiddleB: Well unless he's shorter than 5'1 as well as a middle blocker then he isn't

Tiredyama: What's that in cm?

MiniMiddleB: Uh... around 155 I think?

LittleGiantJr.: Eh?!?!

LittleGiantJr.: In the 150s?!

LittleGiantJr.: You're shorter than Noya-senpai?

CrisCrisLibero: Noya...?

CorPiServer: Senpai...?

MiniMiddleB: Uh... don't know who this 'Noya-senpai' person is but okay?

MiniMiddleB: Also, just cause I'm in the 150s doesn't mean I can't play

MiniMiddleB: I can jump pretty high, not that you two would know...

LittleGiantJr.: Same for me!

LittleGiantJr.: I hate it when people judge you for your height in volleyball

LittleGiantJr.: Especially cuz I'm a middle blocker too, and usually it goes to the tall people like Four-eyes....

CorPiServer: Four...?

CrisCrisLibero: Eyes...?

MiniMiddleB: Okay, you're gonna have to stop with the names cuz we have no idea who you're talking about

Tiredyama: Found it.

CrisCrieLibero: ?

CorPiServer: ?

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