Sans x reader Part 1

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A/N hey guys so on every chapter ill do fluff/ background story and shit and then on the next day ill do a break then on the next day i will doo the lemon smut whatever i might go gay ones to ill inform you if it is give me request i dont know what else to say so bye me phyco freaks x3.

I and sans have been friends since I fell. I have a little crush on sans. People say yall would  make a great couple. I say "no were just friends." Then they roll thier eyes. Now im human but im also part grillby I now it sounds wierd but a human fell down here ( Not frisk) and fell in love with my dad grillby. I can turn back a forth between human and flame person. Its funny watching all the people run but I get in trouble for it so I can't do it around other people. But me and Sans are walking around snowdin.

I was walking around snowdin talking about puns and how or life has been. Then something slipped out of my mouth that I did not want to come out. " I like you Sans." HOW IN GODS NAME DID THAT SLIP OUT OF MY MOUTH. I said screaming in my head. I said that so smoothly. There was probably 50 shades of red on my face. I looked away thinkin he would hate me for the rest of my life. Then something unimaginable happened. He grabbed my chin and kissed me. I took no hesitation and kissed back. His hands wrapped around my small frame amd pulled me closer. He broke the kiss and said, "I like you too.

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