Last night really disturbed me, ever since I can remember my dreams have just been memories. What happened? At least after Tyler woke me up I didn't have any more nightmares.

   I checked the clock that was resting on my dresser as I got up, it read 10:02. Most of the time I rise with sun so this surprised me. I was putting my hand on the closest door know when there was a nock on my door.

"Time to get up sleepy head,  breakfast is ready! " Tana shouted at me though the door.

"Be there in a few minutes." I shouuted back.

  I walked in to my closest and grabbed my aquamarine shirt with the humming bird on it, my black pants,  and black ankle boots. I sliped those on and went in to my bath room were I put all the outher stuff we bought last night.

   I gathered what was left of my hair and pulled it in to a pony tail, I than sliped on my humming bird bracelet.  I looked at the makeup and frowned,  I might be able to dress like a normal person but im lost when it comes to makeup.

  As a head for the stairs I stop by Claires room but shes not in there, so I head down stairs. As I walk down the stairs I start to smell bacon and cinnamon. When I get to the bottom of the stairs I see Tana,  Tyler,  and Claire siting in an almost complete circle with plates in front of them.

"Make a plate and join us!" Tana chirps.

  I go in to the kitchen and grad a plate I get 3 pieces of bacon, some eggs, some grits, a piece of tost, and a cinnamon roll. I carefully walk back in to the living room and sit on the floor completing the circle.

"So we dont really know each other so I figured why we eat breakfast we could all tell people about are selfs. Why dont we just start with names just to get us started?  Im Tana"




  We all said it kinda bord like wich I could tell hurt Tana's feelings just a little but her smile started again and she gave us are next question.

"Why dont we do back storys first, Do you mind starting Claire?"


  Im glad Tana choose Claire to to first that way if she does have powers we will know and we can be truthful about are past.

" I grew up with my Aunt and Uncle, I never knew my parents or what happened to them. I had a good life intell I turned 7, I was cleaning the dishes when my aunt started yelling at my uncle threatening to divorce him. I got really scared about what would happen if they got divorce and all of the dish water shot straight up and then turned and headed straight in to my aunt and uncle.  After that I wasn't allowed to go out side, and there fights got worse and worse in till my aunt came down stairs one night and announced that they were getting a divorce. My powers had made a few reappearances but nothing bigger than the sink thing but suddenly I herd  a huge crash. We all ran out side and we could see all of the water from the beside the town rushing toward us. My aunt was furious she pushed me on the ground and started to scream at me about how I ruined her and her marriage. My uncle was walking towards me but the water swept use away I didnt even struggle.  The strong current knocked me out, I was surprised when I woke up. I looked around me and saw the bodys of the people who lived in my town or who used to. I ran for it, I spent a week in the woods before I found this house."

  It got real quite after that, I guess it we were all letting all she just said sink in. It is a relief that she has powers so we can be truthful but why does she have an element, the better question is why don't I?

"No one is talking so I will go.  All my life I lived in a house  that use to be near here in till it wa destroyed Tana and my parents. I had lived a normal life till last year. I was stressed over school and next thing I know all of my stuff was against the wall and papers were floating down. My parents were running up stairs to see what had happened and Tana had followed them. They were yelling at me about the mess and I got mad so I ran out in to the  woods, Tana followed. I ran for about 5 minutes in till I stopped, I felt Tana's hand on my shoulder. Then we herd an explosion,  we quickly ran to the house. There was debris everywhere,  Tana started crying and I started to look though the debris. There was boom fragments and a safe but that was all I could make out. I grabbed the safe and I convinced Tana to hide I the treeline and wait with me. After about 20 minutes these guys in black suits came they looked over the ruins of the house, talked to each other,  than left. After they left I figured out the code to the safe and opened it. It was filled with million dollar bills. I had this house built and we stayed in a hotel till it was. We finished school that year but we haven't gone back. I've  spent all my time trying to figure out my powers and how killed my parents."

  I knew it was my turn but I didn't want to go, not only was it to painful to talk about but I dont like people knowing my past because than they pity me, and I hate when people pity me. It wouldn't be fair not to share my story sence they shared there's.

"The first part of the story is what I've been told. When I was born I was covered in purple lines and if you touched me the lines appeared but they were harmless after about 5 minutes I returned to normal. When I was five  my teacher accused me of stealing money but I didn't so I defended my self.  I got really mad and she got really mad and she reached down to shake my shoulders but when she came in contact the same purple lines I was born with raised up her arms and covered her body.  I will never forget athe sound of her body hitting the floor.  I ran home wich was a half of mile away, when I got home my parents were shocked we packed up are stuff and were out of that house by next week. My next school was going well till I was late to calls two weeks later and the janter grabbed my arm. That was a mistake,  I had another run home that day. We had a nother move and I was home schooled now I was down with my work and I was out in the edge of the woods reading. It was my only escape out of my horrible life. Thats when the bomb hit, the next few days were a blur. At the funeral I ran away,  I got a job and have been living on the streets for the rest of my life."

  No one said any thing after I finish but I knew the look on there faces. They were pitying me, I knew this would happen.


Hope you like it!




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