Chapter 1
My mom and I were having dinner in the dining room, waiting for dad. Well my mom was having dinner, I pushed food around in my plate making it seem that I was eating.
"Eat your food Jamie," my mother said, glancing at me then at the clock.
"I am," I mumbled, not even paying attention to what was on the plate.
I could feel her eyes on me but I ignored it, not wanting to look up and see the disappointment in her face. After a few seconds she sighed and continued eating, "How was the game?"
"It was good," I said, "we won." I faked a smiled and looked up at her knowing I couldn't ignore her twice and get away with it.
"That's great honey," she said a little too enthusiastically and then frowned, "I'm sorry I missed it, I was a little busy this afternoon but I'm sure you girls danced beautifully."
I mentally rolled my eyes. Yeah, you were busy arguing with dad on the phone. I sighed, "Yeah, we were okay."
"More than okay," she reassured me.
This time I gave her a real smile and she reached and rubbed my arm affectionately. I love my mom but these last few years have been hard on us and this is what I loved and missed, our mother-daughter time when she gave me her full attention and cared about what I had to say or what I was doing, like a mother should. We would go to an ice cream parlor, to the mall, or for a jog and we would talk about everything and nothing, and when I was having problems- now that I think back, superficial problems- she would give me advice and somehow, the way only a mother could, she would make me feel better. Then she glanced at the clock again and ruined the moment. This time I turned and took a peek as well. It read 8:30, he was two hours late.
I returned my gaze to my food, not even pretending to eat. "Where's dad?" I asked my mom, already knowing the answer.
Copying me she stared down at her plate, "He got delayed at the office, sweetie," she said, offering no further explanation.
Of course he did. "Did he call and say he was staying?" I asked.
"Maggie called," she said, referring to dad secretary, who in my opinion should be retired since she doesn't even know how to use a computer.
Not wanting to hear anymore I stood and made my way to leave. "Jamie you are not finished with your dinner," she called after me.
"I'm going to the movies with Beth, I'll eat something there," I said, not asking for permission.
"Wait honey," she called almost desperately, and I could hear her chair scrape the floor as she stood and followed me out.
We were both in the hall way and I grabed my bag of clothes that I left earlier for when I would change later tonight.
"Isn't it too late to go to the movies?" she questioned, with crossed arms and a raised eye brow.
"Mom, its Friday night after a game, Beth and I always go to the midnight shows, its tradition," I reason with her. This argument seems to be tradition too, but her worry is not so far off because going to the movies is usually code for going clubbing ergo the change of clothes but I wasn't about to tell my mom that.
She hesitated, "Fine, but be careful Jamie," she warned, but before I had the chance to reassure her we heared the rev of an engine and I knew that in a few minutes she would all but forget this conversation or that I wasn't even home because my dad had just arrived.
"Bye," I said and I gave her a kiss on the cheek.
She absentmindedly said bye, more preoccupied in checking outside.

Take Me Away
Teen FictionJamie Brooks thinks she has her life under control but the past keeps coming back to haunt her and the present gets complicated when her secret affair with her best friends boy friend keeps getting deeper and harder to hide. Not to mention the least...