Deceite and lies from what i thought was fine (poem)

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Deceite and lies from what I Thought was Fine... 2-25-08 (POEM)

For what we had went way back for love for what is now disappointment.

For which I Thought you Loved me but for what was....Deceite and lies you rather be seen with her for whatever happened to the love with us , for what was,What I'm feeling which was dispair

and not trust. I opened up my heart and you shattered it with your cheating with her......Deceite and lies.I wouldnt have expected you to be This Person for which I Know is Deciete

I Loved You but you werent by my side I stood by you you left

my side...from sorrow and abondenment I cry your

words and actions cut like knife's From What I wanted was Love but Knife's cut very deep and the scars that

I have can't be healed from your actions.That cut throough my heart like Knife's My heart Bleeds through were

the knife's had been cut into , from which deciete and lies from which i thought was fine.

I thought you weren't that kind of person from what you said...I'm

left all alone with a shattered heart.......but no shattered heat can be put back togther but left unbroken ) ; .

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