Child Like Love

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"They say that love is forever, you forever is all that I need."

-Sleeping With Sirens

"Wednesday ,you are so dense!" My friend, Marina yelled at me drawing attention to our lunch table. I tilted my head slightly to the side, confused.

"Jacob Moore, the third hottest man at this school, just asked you out and you replied with 'I would love to hang out with you, you are a really nice friend.' Do you realize you crushed all of his pride saying that?" she said in a quieter tone but still distraught.

"I thought he wanted to hang out, what else could he have wanted?" I asked still confused. Jacob had come up to our table only five minutes ago asking if I wanted to have dinner with him on Friday so I replied that I would love to hang out with him. I don't see big deal. Marina sighed at me before muttering something about 'virgins'. I shrugged and ate another strawberry.

Marina and I are polar opposites but some how we fit one another like puzzle pieces. Marina is the most outgoing person I know and loved parties, boys, and liquor. Boys basically fall over her because she has supermodel looks and an amazing personality. She isn't a whore though because she rarely sleeps with boys mainly just dates them and dumps them. With me though I have never had a boyfriend or even kissed someone. I prefer reading, watching TV series, and baking. I know I sound lame and boring but that's what I enjoy to do so I don't intend on changing that even if it is my senior year. Marina always teases me because I'm a virgin and severely naive. She says I basically a child and that my height doesn't help. I'm only 5'6 I don't think that is that bad of a height.

I sighed at Marina as she was still laughing at me pouting. I got up to throw away the rest of the strawberries. The cafeteria was chaotic per usual. Jocks and cheerleader basically eating one another's faces. I kept looking down until I ran into a rock solid chest causing me to stumble back almost falling but I was caught by a pair of arms in an ever so cliche manner. I opened my eyes only to come face to face with Vladimir Veksler. I quickly stood up and realized all my strawberries where on the floor. Even thought I was full I'm still upset they are on the floor.

"Well that wasn't very nice, sure I was gonna throw them away but they don't deserve to be on the dirty floor." I said with my hands on my hips. I don't care if he is the most feared person in this school nobody is mean to my strawberries. His cold and calculating grey eyes were staring at me in shock and annoyance. His eyes looked even sharper when behind his slim black rectangular glasses. There is one thing about Vladimir Veksler that is strange, he doesn't talk often.

I sighed knowing he wouldn't respond and crouched down to pick up the spilled strawberries. I had picked up most of them except for the one I was reaching for now. When I saw pale hand pick it up. I looked up to see Vladimir picking it up but the look of annoyance on his face was gone and replaced with a soft look. We were having an awkward stare down until his best friend, Damian came.

"There you are Vlad I was wondering were you were, Coach Black has been looking for you. Oh hi Wednesday, did Vlad here cause you any trouble?" Damian said before smiling at me and throwing an arm around Vlad. Damian is a nice guy but is a player. He is about Vlad's height, near 6'7 most likely. He had sandy blonde hair, tan skin, and ocean blue eyes. He really had the surfer kind of look. Whilst Vlad has midnight black hair, flawless pale skin, and sharp grey eyes behind his slim black rectangular glasses. They were known as the hottest guys in our school and the fact they are the star hockey players only made the girls at this school fawn over them even more.

"Hello Damian and no, he hasn't caused me any trouble at all so no need to worry. Well I'll see you in biology class, Damian and thank you for helping me pick up the strawberries, Vlad." I said before turning and walking back to my table. Marina was hold her bag and typing something on her phone before she looked up to see me coming back.

"You ready to head back to maths?" she asked as I grabbed my bag and half empty can of Monster.

" I don't want to go but I guess we must." I sighed as we walked out of the cafeteria.


This is a new story I'm going to be starting and it's probably going to suck but eh I've wanted to start one for awhile and thus this story was birthed! So enjoy my shitty writing and this cliché plot!

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