So I'm home alone
Face timing Camryn...
It's really scary but I have a pan
It worked in tangled
So I figured it would work
No one came unfortunately
Because I was hoping Taylor caniff
Would hear me singing buck wild
And watching my umm..
'Famous' dance moves
We were talking
About the magcon boys
We had pots on out heads
And we were dancing around like
In the end I was on the counter
The I unsafest place in the house
And holding the pan tight
Camryn frickin' screamed and gave me
A heart attack
She showed me the dark alleyways of
Her home and I got scared
She said she was gonna go pooping
And was scared so she brought me with
I heard noises so I ran upstairs grabbed
My charger and hairbrush
( so I could dance) don't judge...
And slipped on the stairs
Fell but I'm ok I'm ok...
My mom ended up coming home
But these are the times I love!
By the way I drank some lemonade
During all this and ate frosting
We go party buck wild!!