Mistletoe | Castiel

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It was Christmas Eve and the bunker was decorated to every inch with the festive colors of the holiday season thanks to you and Jack.


Jack came in the main room and found you struggling, trying to put up the lights up and he offered to help. He simply followed your directions and was really happy about the fact that he was finally going to meet everyone.


You and Jack had plenty of time to decorate the place since the others were out on a short hunt.

You would normally not go all out this time of year, but when you heard that the Winchester brothers never had a real Christmas and that Castiel and Jack never celebrated the holiday, it made you really sad and you promised yourself that you would bring the joy of the holidays to them.

You had invited a few people; Gabriel, Jody, Chuck, even though we all know he wont show, and a couple of other close hunters. Everything was perfect, all you needed now were a few things from the convenience store and the party could commence.

You and Jack both heard the door open and quickly made your way towards it when you heard Dean's voice.

"Hey, (Y/n) where ar- what the fuck is this?!" shouted Dean, stepping on a half-eaten candy cane Jack left a while ago.

His jaw dropped when he saw the rest of the bunker.

"Merry Chrysler!" exclaimed a very joyful Jack.

"I should really tell Jack not to use the memes I send him in real life," you thought.

"Merry Christmas guys!" you said as you and Jack handed elf hats to the three men.

"What's this?" asked Castiel.

"Christmas!" said Jack, handing him the candy cane he had in the back of his pocket.

"Wow, you both did all of this?" questioned Sam who also very happy seeing the adornment.

"Yes, all for you guys!" you declared.

"Aw, thanks (Y/n)," said Dean putting you in a tight hug, which triggered Castiel.

The angel developed feelings for you over the time you both met, so seeing you with someone else made him very jealous.

Both Winchester boys were really happy seeing all the decor.

"Oh I almost forgot, I have to make a quick run to the convenience store. I'll be back in 30 minutes. The guests will be here, so start the party," you said.

"PARTAY!!!" exclaimed Dean throwing his hands up in the air.

"Jack, don't forget to watch the turkey cooking in the oven"

"Sure thing!" he replied.

"Does anyone want anything while I'm there?" you asked as you exited the bunker.

"Pie!" responded Dean.

"Oh we're already baking some, Jack thought ahead," you answered.

"You're not half bad kid!" said Dean, rapping his arm around Jack's neck in a friendly way causing Jack to finally feel accepted.

"Wow, this is the best Christmas ever!" you heard Sam yell as you left.

You were really happy about your plans working out. Their joy was your gift.


It had been 20 minutes since you had left and the guests were all already here. Everyone was having fun and it was great, but Castiel was sitting on the sofa alone, waiting for you to arrive. He wasn't really social with other people besides you and Dean, but Dean was off, already getting drunk with another hunter, so he had no choice but to wait for your arrival.

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