Bus ( old story thing from a while ago)

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Whooping laughs follow juicy gossip

I stifle a yawn.

Cold air sneaks through tiny gaps in the closed and foggy window

I pull my scratchy woolen jumper further down over my hands.

Heavy bags thud when thrown to the floor

I use mine as a lumpy pillow and lean in a hard corner of window and metal.

Necks crack from twisting to talk from behind

I put in my earphones.

The noisy engine revs as we drive steeply up a hill

My neglected stomach revs as we pass KFC.

Teeth enter apple in a glorious crunch 

I think I just spat on Tom....Lookawaylookawaylookaway!

The radio blares loud and strong

I take out my earphones.

Pens scratch across paper, while homework is hurriedly finished

I fell asleep early last night, ok?

Too soon, the doors snap open with a Whoosh and kids file out

I'm last off the bus again- Hold your horses lady, I'm comin'!

An army of feet scrunch and scuff the gravel

Britney has a ladder in her stockings and I bet David's keen to climb it.

Lock combinations whizz and click like an orchestra of crickets

My phone vibrates in my skirt pocket and buzzes louder than if it wasn't on silent!

Practically sexting buddies with Telstra, we have a love-hate relationship...

Credit expiry, my ass!

I yank down on my lock, it makes a tiny unsatisfying click

I rip open my locker door, it makes a very satisfying bang

When it whacks Tom in the face.

There is an angry duck sound like what my cat made once when I stepped on her tail

Then the hallway is embarrassingly silent.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2012 ⏰

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Bus ( old story thing from a while ago)Where stories live. Discover now