The Sword Strength

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By Jill Bethany
Chapter 1
Tonight was the ceremony of warriors and I , Reed Zedman the first ever girl level three warrior since sixteen years will be honored tonight. I had my hair neatly put into a warrior's braid tonight to show that I am worthy of this honor. Every warrior had to attend this ceremony. When I was called I came up the stage and bowed towards Master Pablo the most skilled warrior out of all the level fives which is the last level. Master Pablo glared at me for a second to notice my warrior's braid and presented me with my sword . Which was called the sword of strength .
Chapter 2
Now ,when I say strength I don't mean the strength you can see on somebody's body I mean the strength you can see in people's courage, pride, and joy . At least that's what Master Pablo told me . When I went back to my seat the boys glared me. Then Jared a level two warrior said  " Wow just look at that Master Pablo gave the sword of strength to a girl who has no strength at all. " . After that the other boys just laughed because they agreed. My friend Eli just gave them a glare , sighed, and gestured for me to meet him outside.  " For the record Reed I thought that you rightly deserved that sword. " he told me. Eli is the only boy who is true friend of mine unfortunately. He thinks that the other boys bully me because they are jealous about my reputation to this place . In this world there are warriors, protectors , and wizards . The next day I went to your world , earth. In your world I am in eleventh grade. But I am only here for one reason which is to find the ruler of the evil world . Master Pablo told me it was a girl in the same grade as me with red hair and brown eyes. Her name was unknown but Master Pablo told me that she might try to become my friend.
Chapter 3
I think I saw her during my second period class . The teacher said her name was Iris . For this mission Eli was my partner . I did research on Iris. He did research on her protector , Norma . Master Pablo listed the names of people who would help me which were the element protectors Darya, Alkinda, Aidan , and Xantara . So Eli and I went to their realm . Darya was mean to us the entire time. Alkinda and Aidan were minding their own business. But Xantara happily greeted us and gave us a tour of their realm. The only dangerous thing about this realm is the fact that the evil come at midnight to steal the fire. But they never do because Aidan can do has figured out a way to do the invisible spell and comb her hair at the same time. Jace is the only person in the evil kingdom who knows the location of the realm because he is the one who tries to steal the fire . Jace is Iris's royal advisor . He became evil when he was just three years old and like all the people who have become when there were just a baby he wants to become good . I mean could you imagine learning how to fight when you're only three.
Chapter 4
I can't apparently so I don't know how Jace feels about his life . I ran into him while I was walking home . He told me doesn't come to steal fire any more because he secretly getting warrior lessons from Master Pablo . But he doesn't come at midnight any more ethier. He comes at noon . So I guess Jace doesn't have to steal the fire any more . Instead several strange men do. They come midnight. So at midnight Aidan combed her hair like usual. They looked around for two minutes then they ran off. The next night I had to see the good queen, Candace . Master Pablo told me she would like to have a word with me about my research on Iris . I went to her castle at six twenty five am and the guards let me in.  "You know Reed Master Pablo told me a lot about you, he said you didn't have strength , confidence, or trustworthyness but I believe that you do have those qualities in fact I want to give you something that shows that I believe in you. " she told me. She clapped her hands and a servant put a charm bracelet on my right hand . When I was getting out of her castle I ran into Wyatt a level four wizard and her messager .  " I see you got a I believe in you charm bracelet from the queen come to my house tomorrow night ." he ordered handing me a slip of paper that had his address on it. When I got to his house I pushed a blue button thinking that it was a doorbell . But instead a screen with what appeared to be Wyatt's room .  " Oh it's you come right in my room is the second door to your left." he told me. When I got into his room I noticed that it was filled with posions and spell books which is why he put a don't touch anything sign on his door.
Chapter 5
There were posions on every shelf and spell books on every table. The walls were green and there was a crystal ball sitting on one of the stools. Wyatt was not in the room .  " Wyatt where are you. " I yelled . I saw that the crystal ball was glowing and had some information about Wyatt on it. It said that he was level four wizard and Master Beau's oldest son and that he was in the kitchen now.  "Oh ." I whispered after reading the information. He came back with two glasses of ice water.  " I heard you I heard you but too loud here we're almost too close to the evil territory , anyways my father is interested in you. " he told me. Then he called for his father to come in. His dad looks the average wizard he's tall, has a long white beard, a purple hat, a purple cloak, and a staff. I could see that was the sun and moon wizard because his cloak was covered with suns and moons. Wyatt bowed before him.  " Master Beau, sir it  has  been a pleasure to meet you. " I said with a smile. " Your name is Reed right well miss Reed both Wyatt and the queen told me a lot about you and the queen told me that you will be a level five warrior by tomorrow . " he told me . I asked how Master Pablo felt about this .  " Master Pablo was growling like a bear when he heard about this because he didn't want you to take his place next year." he told me. I went home after this . Was I really going to take Master Pablo's next year. I mean would be old enough by then. You have to eighteen in order to become a master. I'm seventeen and they would call me misstress since I'm a girl. But I would be the first misstress. Maybe that's what Master Pablo was mad about. So is he going to let take his place next year or is he stay in for a couple of years until Jared becomes a level five . I'll just have to wait and see about that I told myself. I've always felt like Jared was Master Pablo's favorite because when he only was done with half of his lessons he became a level two warrior the next day. Eli called me. When I answered the phone Eli talked in voice that sounded like he was panicking.
Chapter 6
He was screaming . He wasn't talking in full sentences. I told to talk a little bit softer and slower. Then we started our conversation. " I think I got caught you wouldn't believe it Reed Norma caught me she grabbed me went to Iris's castle put me downstairs put me in a chair and tied a rope around me." He started to screaming again. " Don't worry I'll be there I'll disguised as Jace's sister ,Bella I'll be there before you know it." I told him. Then I hung up . Bella was a year younger than me. I grabbed a picture of her from my closet . I grabbed a pink blouse, yellow capri pants , a black jacket, a blue hairband , and  a touch of light pink lipstick. Then headed out the door , got pass the guards, and untied Eli from the chair . We ecscaped together . We got Norma and Iris trapped in the chairs instead of us or just Eli . The next day Eli invited to his family's New Years party . I came around seven ,o_ clock . Everyone was there even Master Pablo who said he was fine with me taking his place next year. The next ceremony was in March . Since Eli was my partner he had to escort Queen Candace to the ceremony. The ceremony was in the afternoon . Everyone was there . Wyatt became a level nine wizard last night since he stayed up for six hours for seven lessons of training . I was escorted by Wyatt. The ceremony started with introductions . The Masters came first.  Jace was there. The crowd gasped when saw him in the audience. Queen  Candece ordered him to come forward to her. Jace bowed. The crowd gasped again.
Chapter 7
" Your majesty my queen I am truly sorry for everything I humbly beg forgiveness . "he pleaded. " How do I know this not a trick Jace . " she snapped. " It's not your majesty I have giving him lessons for months. " Master Pablo pointed out. Queen Candece ordered him to rise. I became Misstress after Jace was knighted. I gave Jared my sword . Eil gave Queen Cadence a rose. All of the boys gave a girl something . Wyatt gave me a beautiful blue crystal ball. Iris was spotted outside close to the door. Jace was ordered to follow and distract her.
Chapter 8
Iris came into the sanctuary. Norma threatened Queen Cadence with a laser gun . Eil stood in front of her. Eli got hit. He was knocked out. He slept for an hour. " Norma drop your weapon. " he shouted. Norma obeyed. Iris fired Norma. I came in.
Chapter 9
Eil bowed. Iris picked up the laser gun and pointed at me . " Hold it." I shouted. " Stop ." I heard someone shout . " No I will not stop until both you and my sister are gone starting with you." she threatened. Jace presented her with a bracelet. " Iris join us it's the only way to make the world love you again and they will love you as much as I do ." he said. The crowd gasped. Iris dropped the laser gun and gave it to Queen Cadence. Iris and Candece were sisters again .
Chapter 10
Outside our house I heard a voice so I ran out there and went toward her. She bowed. I realized that she was a orphan warrior girl. I brought into my house. Wyatt and I named her Valerie . I trained her to be a warrior while Wyatt trained Charles, her brother to be a wizard.
The End
Credits : Jill Bethany and Drew Palmer

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2018 ⏰

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