The saddest thing I have, or will, ever hear in my life...

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A little while ago, I looked over at my five year old daughter. She had tears streaming down her face where as five minutes before she was all happy and jumping around singing a song that was on t.v. So, I was alittle surprised by this. I asked her what was wrong and the moment her mouth opened my heart just broke into peices. She asked me why people had to die. My husband and I put up a picture of his grandmother, who died before I met him, and apparently he talked about her today. (I didn't know this because I was at work...) I then told her that it was a part of life and that everyone was going to die one day. (She is a very advanced kid. She knows things and understands things way better than I ever will.) She then told me that she would miss me very much when I died and my angel will come to her to tell her that I'm alright. Then asked me who would take care of her when I did. I tried to explain to her that I would never leave her, but if I did then her daddy would be there for her. She is still crying and I don't know what else to say to her... I can't tell her that no one ever knows when they are going to die. I just told her that we are born, grow up, get older and pass away from old age. Sooner or later, she will know that there are many different things that can go wrong, but for now I just want her to know that I love her with every fiber of my being. Her and her little sister are my world and I don't want to think about anything that has to do with that subject. I hope that I do live for a very long time to come so when she grows up she knows it's time for me to go when it happens to me. And I hope her and her sister know that I love them very much.

I know this isn't very uplifting, but I had to tell someone. If you have any suggestions, please help me. I don't like to see my kids cry over something that no one can stop. And I want them to understand that it happens to everyone. Not to be sad, but to be happy and to celebrate the life I'd had with them.

Thank you for your help,


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2010 ⏰

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