Saying goodbye.

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Magnus pov

I sighed regretfully. This was the day. I had chosen to venture to Helheim. I had been told that nobody returns from Helheim without being undead. Well, I thought, maybe me being already dead will help.

As I walked down the halls, keeping my eyes ahead of, not looking at third doors, I put notes on all my hall mates doors.

Hey, come to the lobby. Urgent.

From Magnus

About five minutes after I arrived I arrived in the lobby, my friends entered. I searched them all. Tj looked a bit nervous and edgy like he was ready to help me whatever the problem. Mallory had her arms crossed but I noticed a hint or worry in her eyes. Half-born looked most ready to fight for me. He was holding his battle axe ready for battle. Alex looked most worried. His, currently male right now, eyes darted up and down looking for Injuries.

"What is it Beantown?" Mallory asked, "I was having a nap."

"With me." Half-born said. Mallory blushed. "But M.A.K has a point. What is going on Magnus?"

I sighed. "Do you guys remember when we captured Loki?" I asked. Mallory rolled her eyes like, No I completely forgot the most deadly quest of our lives, but they all nodded.

"Do you remember one of the last things he said?" I asked. They shook their heads. "He said, 'I will have Hel torture the spirits of everyone you love!' Well, I'm going to Helheim to check on my family. Please don't try to stop me." I said.

Their eyes widened. Alex nearly fainted. Ever since he kissed me we had been getting closer. The occasional kiss or hand holding. Mallory's widened eyes narrowed. She walked up to and smacked me across the face. "You can't expect us to be OK with our best friend going to a world that nobody ever comes back from!" She shouted.

Half-born stepped forward. He sighed "I'm coming with you Magnus." He said. I raised an eyebrow. "I know the most about Helheim. Also a-"

"A PhD in Germanic literature we know!" Alex Interrupted. He looked at me and frowned. He ran up cupped my cheeks and kissed me. After about ten seconds, he pulled away. He quoted some words I'd said in sign language to Hearth once.

You safe! Or me angry.

I smirked, Yes sir.

He gave me one more peck. I turned to Half-born. "Well I already have enough for two people, so we're ready to go. Are you ready Half-born?"

He nodded, "Ready as you can expect from a guy who's traveling with another guy to no mans land where nobody ever returns from, yes."

I laughed with all my friends. Tj walked up to me. "Here," he handed me his bayonet. "Good luck". I nodded my thanks. Mallory walked up to me next. She handed me Bolverks whetstone from our quest.

"Good luck Beantown. Make sure my oaf doesn't get himself killed". She said to me with her Irish accent heavy. I nodded.

"Sure thing M.A.K" I said. Alex came up gave me a hug and they all left to their rooms. I turned to Half-born, "OK big guy," I muttered, "let's go." And we walked out of the Hotel Valhalla on our way to the land of the dishonorable dead.

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