New student

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"We have a new student today, class," said Mr. Clarke. "Her name is (y/n)." 

You awkwardly stared at the ground. Mr. Clarke says to you.

"Why don't you sit in that empty seat over there." He pointed in the direction of a curly haired boy sitting alone in the back of the class room. 

You walk over and carefully sit down next to him, you place your things neatly on the edge of your shared desk, as to not get in his way. 

"H-hi, I'm Dustin," Dustin says holding out a slightly shaking hand. 

You stare at it for a moment then remember that's how people greet each other. You grab his hand and shake it briefly then let go and looked at the teacher, trying listen to the lesson. Your attention wandered, and you looked over your other classmates, one girl had very pretty red hair. There was also a boy with pale skin and dark hair, who made you feel very nervous. He noticed you staring, and he kindly smiled at you. You flushed red and looked away quickly. You got lost in thought until a loud bell rang and brought you back to reality, students around you were picking up their stuff and leaving, you followed suit. As you tried to make your way through the crowed hallway, you glanced at your reflection in a display case. Your short (h/c) hair was held back with a thin headband, you had on a stripped colorful t-shirt, mom jean shorts, and a rainbow friendship bracelet . You went with the flow of people into the lunch room where you stood in the middle looking lost, not quite sure where to go. You heard someone call your name, you turned around and saw Dustin, the red head girl, the pale boy, and a few other boys that you recognized from class. Dustin was waving you over, and you hurriedly walked over, happy to see familiar faces. 

"Do you want to hang out with us?" Dustin asked with a smile that showed his small teeth. 

"Uh, sure," you said making accidental eye contact with the pale boy, then looking at your shoes.

 "We're eating outside today," Dustin explained as the group headed for the door.

 "Okay," you said still looking at your shoes, and following them. 

When you looked up you realized that they all were carrying a lunch, empty handed, you nervously grabbed your elbow. They lead you to a set of metal bleachers and sat down on the first two facing each other, the pale boy patted the seat next to him, you smiled and sat down. 

"I'm Mike by the way-" 

"Oh, and I'm Lucas, and he's Will," the black kid said, pointing with his thumb at a small kid with a bowl hair cut. 

"I'm Max," the girl said slightly waving.

 "Nice to meet you," you said smiling. 

"So where did you move from?" Max asked. 

"Oh, um-" 

"Was it New York, you look like you're from New York," Dustin interrupted.

 "Yeah, I did actually," you said with a nervous laugh.

 "Was it cold, I heard it was cold."

 "It's cold in the winter I guess," you said hoping you were correct.

 "Seems about right." 

Phew. There was a short awkward silence, ended by Mike blurting out 

"Do you like D&D?" Mike asked.

"D&D..?" "It's like a fantasy role play game," Lucas said.

 "Oh, I've never really played.." 

Dustin looked excitedly to the other three boys, the rest looked at Mike, and he nodded. 

"You could play with us sometime, i-if you want to, that is," Dustin said happily.

 "Sounds fun I guess," you said not quite knowing how to answer.

The rest of lunch was spent with the boys explaining things like Starwars and The Hobbit to you (Max laughing to herself and muttering "Nerds" the whole time). They also went over your scheduled.  You have P.E. with Max, math with Lucas and Will, and Bloc with Dustin. When the bell rang, Mike asked. 

"Do you wanna hang out with us after school? We're probably just going to ride our bikes around."

  "Yeah, sure." "Cool, Max will show you where to go"

 "Cool.." You said with a dorky smile, and you all headed back to the building. 

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