My Sweet Liana

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I walked along the street, it was around one or two o'clock. I stopped underneath a streetlight, the orange glow catching my white hoodie as I lit a cigarette. I blew out a stream of gray smoke as I played with the bloody knife, heavy in my pocket. Twirling it around and around, contemplating my next victim. I looked around me, looking for some sort of weakness in a house that would allow me to get in. I spotted a small blue house with black shingles, and what appeared to be, an open kitchen window...

The incompetence of the human race never ceases to amaze me. I crawled through it, sticking to the shadows. I heard the sound of a TV in the living room I walked down the hallway to find a man passed out on the couch, beer bottles littered the dirty brown carpet. His hand fell over the edge of the couch and his mouth was slightly open, a loud snore and drool pooling from it. Rolling my eyes I walked up to the couch. Leaning over him, I poked him with the tip of my knife. He woke up with a start and glared at me before noticing my face.

He screamed and punched me. Stunned for a little bit I plunged the blade deep into his stomach. He gave a loud yell again and tears started to flow down his face. Finishing him off, I heard footsteps down the stairs as a small girl, around the age of 4 came down them. She stopped and looked at me, before looking at the bloody corpse of what I assume was her father.

"Daddy?" She she whimpered in a small soft voice. She had short brown hair and big emerald eyes, an adorable little girl. She started to cry, a loud wail coming from her small mouth.

"Daddy please wake up! Make the scary man go away!" She wailed, running up to him and shaking him, more and more tears flowing down her rosy cheeks, soaking them in salt water.

"Daddy get up!" She screamed, "daddy!"

"That's enough!" I shouted, turning to her. She started shaking and backed away from me.

"I've had enough of your pathetic wailing!" I shouted making her yelp and jump.

"'Daddy,'" I mocked, "is gone, dead, passed away, gone to sleep, and he isn't getting back up again! He is DEAD!" I screamed at her, making her cry harder.

"Why!?" She shouted back.

"Why? Because he wasn't doing the world a god damn favor being here! I was setting him free from this hell that we call earth!" I shouted trembling from anger. I looked up at her and it hit me how much she looked like Liu... Taking a step back as the thought caught me off guard. I turned and started to leave.

"Wait! Where are you going?" She called after me, a small girl reaching out for help. I stopped and looked over my shoulder.

"You coming or not?" I shouted harshly at her making her jump again. She took one last look at her fathers body before scurrying after me.

"Where are we going?" She asked softly.

"Home." I looked up then at her, she took in all of my facial features, her gaze resting on my smile. She looked away quickly and down at her feet. She looked up suddenly and ran to the steps, and disappeared at the top. Rolling my eyes I went up after her.

The stairs led to a small hallway on the left and a large room on the right. turning left I headed down. There were two rooms on each side, one of the doors open, I figured that was where she would be. Opening it wider, I found her shuffling through a dresser, a back pack beside her. She turned around and looked at the floor like I was punishing her.

"I figured I would need some clothes..." She mumbled, gesturing to the bag beside her.

"Hurry up!" I snapped, making her jump again. Nodding she turned back to the dresser. I looked around the room, taking everything in. There was a small bed and a few drawings on the wall. Ripping one off and looking at it. It was a painting of her and a boy that looked almost identical to BEN...

Shoving it in my pocket I looked up as she slung the backpack over her shoulder and smiled softly at me. I turned and started home, using the door this time.


Once we got 'home' she looked around the living room. It was just an old abandoned house in the middle of the woods. The walls were gray and and the paint peeling. The house had obviously been through a fire, but it still remained stable. She adjusted her backpack and looked up at me.

"Where's my room?" She asked, looking around. I nodded to the door on the right. She turned and opened it, setting her things on the ground and shutting the door behind her.

I went upstairs to yell at my self for being so stupid as to bring a person here. I climbed the rickety old stairs and slammed the door shut behind me. I collapsed on my bed and thought about how I had screwed up so bad, but those eyes. Those green eyes, so much like Liu's, I just couldn't kill her. I can't, even now.

I slammed my fist into the wall and yelled "damn it!" I punched again and again. Reminding me of my first kill. The feeling reappeared in my stomach, I had to kill something. I thought of the small girl downstairs and about how easily I could kill her. After all, this feeling had made me kill my whole family. I grabbed my knife and stared at it, blood crusted the blade, still wet with her dads blood. The thought made me remember that I didn't know her name. I guess I'll ask her when I get back. I stomped down the stairs and banged my fist against the door, before swinging the door wide open to reveal a scared little girl sitting on the moldy mattress.

"I'm going out, you better be here when I get back." I growled at her. She nodded obediently. I shut the door and left, going to find a victim.


When I got back I went immediately to check on her her room. When I opened the door, I was surprised to see a smiling little girl. Why was she smiling?

"Welcome home!" She exclaimed happily with a wide smile. Why was she so much like him? That smile, the way she acts towards me. Damn it! I slammed the door shut and was about to go upstairs to my room when I heard sniffling as soon as the door shut. I listened as she started to cry. I wasn't sure why but I opened the door, softly this time and stared at her. A small girl with bright green eyes, now shut and flooding with tears. Her brown hair wet and clumped at the edges, and her pink dress now tattered and dirty. How does she do it? She was so much like Sally and Liu. I walked up to her and knelt down beside her, remembering that this was a small child I was dealing with, I hugged her. The girl that, just hours ago, I had brutally murdered her dad.

She hugged me back, her small pink hands grabbed my bloody hoodie tightly. After a while she pulled away and wiped her eyes. She looked up at me in fear and started to back away. I simply turned and stalked away, cursing myself for being so stupid and keeping her alive.

My Sweet LianaWhere stories live. Discover now