Daughter of a god? Part 1

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Mondays ,who likes them?well I do,my name is Alessia and at high school they like to say I'm like the bright sun shining in the class room.They say it's because I'm always so happy ,but I doubt it, at school I usually try to seem a lively and happy girl but the only reason is because...well...at home, I can't.

I was born 16 years ago(meaning im sixteen)and through out my whole childhood I have been alone with my mom, my dad died shortly before I was born so I never knew him,and my mom,well lets just say she is very busy ,she works most of the time so I dont see her that often.At home I'm alone and it gets depressing.

At school I have some friends but they are all fake people ,girls only gossip and boys, well they just don't like me so much,the only real friend I have is Jasper,he is a super nice guy always mking me happy and he's not even too bad looking,I think he's pretty hot..!Anyway let's get to the story.

Summer break was nearly there so people were getting redy for the summer dance ,but I was just hanging out with my buddy Jas out in the school yard whn he said"Hey Alice ,do you mind if I come to yours after school?,i really have to talk to you"so I responded "sure I'll see you outside the gate and we can walk together"but on the inside I was afraid somehing was wrong.

We got to my house without talking ,and to be honest Jasper was looking quite nervous which could not be good, as soon as we got inside he closed the doar and said"Alessia, we have to talk NOW"we sat down and he started sayig"You are being followed so it's time I tell you the trooth"then I spooked, I started swetting and my hart was beating at the speed of light when I managed to say"..I..I'm being..watched?what trooth?"then he started"listen Alisse ,stories of gods,the greek gods, monsters,halfbloods,it's all true "then I giggled"haha good one and why would I believe you?Jasper you scared the life out of me there dont do that "he looked serious and sighd he started pulling his pants down and I blushed,but underneeth he had no nude leg but...fur he had hooves as well,then it made sense ,Jasper was a satyr!"holy cow"I said and he followed saying"Listen Alisse I'm your protector and you are being followed,why?well because you have a strong smell"but that didn't sound very nice to me so i frowned and said"so you are saying I smell because..."he finished my sentence"you are a halfblood"I was so scared,shook and excited when everything started making sense"I'm a halfblood meaning I'm half god meaning that my dad is a god and he's alive!"then he said"yes Alessia,your dad is a god and we know who he is Alisse your dad is .

To be continued HA you wanna know who Alessia's dad is?that's what I thought!;)keep reading to find out thx and hoped you enjoyed the first part!

Luv, your author

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