Document Your Misteaks

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**Don't be a push over - Stop apologizing for things that are beyond your control. and don't allow anyone to guilt trip you.

**Get to know who your dealing with before you catch feelings - Both our misteak, but I feel that he made his move based on strategy. while me on the other hand made that move based on my feelings for him.

**Listen twice, speak once - They tell you what their true intentions are, we just have to listen carefully.

**Don't go looking for anything you don't wanna find - My misteak I did that and got my feelings hurt by looking through his phone.

**Don't chase anyone - Not the way to go. He was ignoring me, I kept sending him long paragraph messages trying to get his attention, also posting statuses hoping that he would read them and finally talk to me again because he was "mad" at me. Until I realized that I was chasing him it wasn't a good look, and the situation was pretty much over.

**Have trust - He made me feel like I didn't trust him, I started not too because he made me feel like he was hiding something from me.

**The truth will come out - you better know it!

**If the person wants to leave, let them go - Don't try and hold on to someone or continue to persue them when they already showed you different!

**Be forgiving - Absolutely! Don't always mean you take them back.

Be understanding, but don't be a fool - That Part!

**It's ok to be alone - it gives you time to learn about yourself both good and bad. Also the misteaks that you have made during the previous relationship so that you can document your misteaks and do better next time around.

**Don't make yourself too available for them all the time - I made that misteak, but what do you expect! I don't have many friends to hang out with. The select few I did hang with we never really had time for each other cause we always worked, and never had the same off days. Besides, I had no outside hobbies. All I do is work, go home, spend time with my family, and read books. But also, I started to feel like my life was revolved around him and doing for other ppl because I had so much time on my hands. If your not careful, ppl would take advantage of that!

**Have things going for yourself - keep yourself busy and find some hobbies that you love. Also whatever goals and aspirations that you have in life. Make sure that person has things going to compliment where you are and vise versa.

Never regret being loyal to someone.

I wanna continue to love like I've never been hurt! Easier said than done, and of course I have to be mindful, but I will strive for it.

I won't allow that situation to make me bitter. I will not allow the next guy to pay for the last guy's misteak.

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