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Kingdom of Spades; Rien; Royal Castle
Wang Yao; Ace of Spade

The old ace's footsteps quietly echoed of the giant stone walls of the Royal Palace. The empty rooms covered in dark furniture and delicate art of many kinds only greeted him with far off memories.

The ace was old, nearly one of the eldest in the kingdom but he still walked with a strength that would not be extinguished any time soon.

His brown hair hung loose on a ponytail that was thrown over his left shoulder over the uniform he was required to wear.

He sighed happily as he reached his destination. The suite that had been given to him many decades ago when he was chosen as the ace, when the halls had been bustling with people to serve the Royal Court. But now, until the magic that ran the world he lived in chose another queen for his kingdom they would remain empty except for a few souls such as him.

One if those few souls happen to be waiting for him in the small desk area of his suite. The girl, the best cook and known for being the court mother, was spinning in the stool at the desk. The ace cleared his throat softly and waited for her to stop moving.

"Oh hey Yao!" She greeted him cheerfully. Her blue eyes twinkled mischievously under her short blonde hair and Yao was certain she must have done something to him or her biggest rival; Anya. He was betting on the other though.

Yao exhaled through his nose before raising a curious eyebrow at the teen.

"Amelia, why are you not in the kitchens or helping Matthew and Alfred in their training?"

This made the girl huff lightly. "Alice kicked me out today because of my prank on Anya... Mab, you should have seen everyone's face. Priceless!"

She burst into a Pearl of laughter her blue eyes echoing the mirth. She quickly stopped as the ace said HSR name. She knew that tone and didn't want to get in trouble again. Once was enough.

"Alright, alright, old man." She teased him half-heartedly. "Anyways, I'm banned from the kitchens until Wednesday and Mattie and Alfred don't want me interrupting them so my obvious answer was to come and bother you. "

That did not please Yao and he began to scold the young cook until she apologized.

"Now find something to do so I can finish up business before the next meeting with the other Kingdom leaders. "

"But, old man. " There was a inoubliable curse from the ace. He was not old, just experienced. "I don't know what to do! That's why I came to you!"

Yao smiled. "Then why don't you dust all the rooms. " He suggested, keeping the smirk out if his voice. She did just call him old man twice. He decided he ought to be allowed to have some revenge.

Amelia seemed speechless bit managed to sigh. "I walked into that." Yao nodded to that.

"Fine, but you better talk to Alice about letting me back in the kitchens after. "

"You know Alice. She's practically you're mother, Amelia. She can't stay mad at you for long. " He measured her gently. "Now go on. "

She looked more relieved before dashing out of the room. The ace sat down in the stool and his thoughts turned to Amelia and her siblings.

Alice had found them as children in the streets of the capital and had brought them home. Raising the three, Matthew, Alfred, and Amelia, she had trained them to fit in with the court and to be accepted by all who worked there. Currently, the two boys were on their way to be trained as knights while Amelia joined Alice in the kitchens. She immediately became best friends and best rivals with the other young female cook; Anya.

He shook his head before looking down at the papers he needed to look through. It was his job to keep up the kingdom until a new queen and later a new king were called where then he would advise them. He hoped the queen would be chosen sooner later than later.

He began reading through the first paper. It was about the new town hall opening in one of the northern cities; Adorralia. The town had bean damaged in the winter by the wild winter that struck the nation and they had finally finished rebuilding the town.

Suddening the mark on his left shoulder began to burn making him wince and cry out. The burning sensation was brief and after a moment it disappeared.

It took a moment for Yao to gain his thoughts again but once he did he knew where to immediately head. The clocksroom. The only time his mark burned was when a new Royal had been marked. And ge believed the Queen had been found.

He began running towards the small and hidden room. He passed Amelia who stared after him curiously a duster in her right hand but she did not question him out loud.

He quickly made it to the room nearly breathless before slipping inside the dark room and closing the door behind him.

As soon as the door closed his mark lit up fueled by his magic as an ace. A bright light began emitting from it and it kit up the small room that was empty except for three clocks painted on the floor. The middle one was lot up as it was the clock of the ace and next to it on the left the Queen's clocked had began to glow.

He fell to his knees and pressed his hand to the clock that would be able to show him where and who the Queen was. He murmured a few magic words before finding himself in a vision.

He was in a forest, in the shadows of a cluster of large oak trees. Looking aroujd he could se what brilliant green leafs of the treetops that crowned the brown trunks and branches. His anger eyes began to search his surroundings seeing nothing out of the ordinary.

Until his eyes landed on figure nearly blended in with the cluster of oak trees. The figures shaking gave them away and as Yao watched them the long bow that the figure held was dropped in attempt to hold their neck.

He stepped closer to see the figure more closer. It was a male, a feminine looking one, but clearly a male. He had blonde hair that reminded the ace of unharvested wheat and a rather thick set up eyebrows. But what confounded him was the other's eyes. They were emerald green but glowed lightly. Yes, the new queen definitely had magic in him.

The blonde male had removed his hands from the long pale neck to reveal a Royal blue mark in the shape of a spade. All of Yao's don't flew out of the window. Yes, this was the Queen. There was no other explanation for the mark.

A name filled the vision as the forest and wheat haired oy disappeared.

Arthur kirkland.

Then the vision itself disappeared.

The ace quickly lifted himself off the ground and headed put of the room to find Alice.

He quickly ordered the woman to began preparing for a trip to the only hunting forest in the kingdom before heading outside to find the two knights in training and ordering them to began packing to join him.

When the elder one,  Alfred, questioned him the ace could only say a few happy words.

"The Queen had been found. "

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2017 ⏰

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