Chapter 1 :Silence

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The subject we all hate but the one thing that unites us all together as one. I wish I could understand it better.

I wake up in silence, looking around me in confusion. "Where am I ?", I think to myself. What was that magical place that I could only dream of? The place where anything goes without consulting the laws of nature? Where time is nothing but a barrier? Oh.... it was a dream. It wasn't real, just a part of me that I wish was still alive.
I squint at the brightness of my phone, it's 5:30 in the morning. I better get myself ready for school. I lazily arise from my bed that feels like concrete and make a beeline straight to the bathroom. I take care of my business and ready myself for a shower. I groggily take off my clothes that are as hot as an oven, and head into the oasis of flowing water. The warmth of the water hits my skin with an irresistible, calming sensation, giving my mind a bit of a start-up. After a some what refreshing shower, I put on my school clothing and backpack. While putting my bag on, I almost fall backwards, forgetting how much the bag actually weighs. No wonder why I have back pain. I finish my daily routine and look at the time, it's 6:24, only enough time to head for my bus. I walk out of my room at a steady pace, hoping not to wake anyone else. As I head for the door, a mysterious figure emerges through the darkness of the corridor, my father. "When did he get up?!", I think in a panic. My father is a strict disciplinarian, giving that he's the minister at my church, automatically placing our family at a high ranking. With high placements come high responsibilities. I attempt to scurry through the door when a voice strikes fear down to the deepest part of my soul, "Justin, " my dad growls, "woke up late for school again huh?"
I tremble as I wait for my mind to process my next response, feeling like a gazelle caught in the jaws of a tiger. "N-N-No, I'm just leaving now." We exchange unsettling looks when finally he'd decided to break the silence. "Bye", he said with a low grumble. I don't reply, afraid I might say the wrong thing. Sometimes silence is key to success.
I make my way to the bus stop, walking steadily but quickly. "That was a close one", I whisper to myself. The venture to the bus stop is like any other day, filled with trash and debris that the chickens pluck at. I try to shoo them out of my way with a quick stomp of my foot, terrifying the helpless animals. I turn into the road that leads to the bus stop, only to find no cars or children. "Just great", I angrily snap at myself, " I guess you fucked up again huh?" Devising a plan, I walk back to the house. I guess it won't hurt to grab something to eat, I won't be able to later. I march back to the house knowing I'll be scolded at. As I walk into the driveway, I realize are van is gone. Dad's gone, I'm okay. I walk through the door with a little bit of confidence, making way to the refrigerator. I ravage through my options when finally I pick up some chocolate cake. I quickly pick up a fork and devour my selection. Once I finished, I realized that it's silent throughout the whole house. So silent, you could hear a pin drop.
I get up from my chair, and walk from room to room. Not one person. Nobody in sight. My first thought is to do whatever I want, but I still have to go to school. I grab the little bit of money that I stashed in my secret black box and head toward the bus stop. To my surprise, there's not allot of traffic today, maybe a little bit too low giving that it's a Monday. I wait patiently for the bus, when I realize I forgot my earphones. "Well I can't go back now",I think to myself. With that the bus pulls up and stops with an painful screech. I pay my fare, and turn to sit down when my heart drops. Nobody else is on the bus. I quietly take my place and sit, Completely. Encased. In silence.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2017 ⏰

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