(1 - 30)

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This is a small intro, and if you didn't already read the description, this is going to be a book for book name ideas. This will also be the only chapter that I will post A/Ns and future me updates. Bye!

1. Break my Mind

2. Fire vs. Ice

3. Raging Evil

4. Darkest Prophecy

5. Aggressions

6. Take me away

7. Hiding in the shadows

8. A new world

9. Breaking time

10. Wasting life

11. Winter Wonders

12. Never Let Go

13. Break me down

14. Raining Flames

15. Run for your life

16. Dare or Dare

17. Dead or alive

18. Leave me

19. Just a mistake

20. Never mind

21. My fault

22. Lovers decay

23. Cheaters gonna cheat

24. Ignored

25. They'll never notice

26. It doesn't matter

27. Windy Waters

28. Secret place

29. Everest Falls

30. My story

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