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"I beg you, don't go dumping your trash in someone's pocket!"

"I thought that was a garbage can."

"Hoseok, you're going to far. BHAHAHAHA"

"So what ?"

Shit. I feel like to kill him right now!!!

"Let me throw some too"

Jimin and others approach you with a empty bottle in their hand.

"Wait you guys. She is my personal garbage can. Don't you guys try to throw anything to her."

"Okie dokie. As you wish."

This bastard. I WANT TO KILL HIM RIGHT NOW !!!

"Agree, Y/N ?"

"What ?"

Hoseok deadly stare at you.

"Um er yeah."

Oh no! I feel like a frog being hit by a snake 😭

"Okay class, seat at your place and start our lesson now. But first, we need yo do seat change.

Yes! Finally, I can escape from this devil 👼

"Tch, seat change ? It's annoying.

Shut your mouth! It's the best way to avoid you!

Ohmy, number 27 near the window

You look for your seat.

"Oh look, we're neighbor again.

Oh shit, I originally thought that I can escape from this guy 😭 Why I'm infront of him 😭

"Y/N, can I borrow your textbook for next class ? I forgot to bring mine."

"It's okay, Jungkook. Here, you can have it."


"Auch. It's hurt, you dumb! What's wrong with you, Hoseok ?!"

"I'm sorry but I can't see the chalkboard because of my bad eyesight. So, let's change our seat."

"Urgh, do whatever you want."

Jungkook and Hoseok change their seat. Now, Hoseok seat beside you and Jungkook behind him.

"Great. Oh look, I found a large eraser."

"That's mine."

"Now it's mine. Thank you!"

Again ? 😭


"What ?"

Hoseok is staring at you.

"Your hair is very dark. In this era, it's look unique and beautiful."

Blush. Ohno, he touch my hair.

"Umr ugh er don't touch it! Your hair style is weird!" (Like his hair in Run, BTS ep 30)


hnnnnn. Ohno 😭

He stare at you deadly.

"You! Be careful tomorrow."

Ehhhhhh, what's wrong with tomorrow 😭 . I don't wanna die in the early age.

What will he do? Ohmy, I'm so scare.

"Good morning."

Oh god. That's his voice!

"Hoseok! What's happened to you?"

"Yeah, what's wrong with your hair?"

"Oh, I felt like to change it. So, here is it."

Wow! So handsome.

Hoseok look at you.

Gosh! Don't come here. No, please don't come here.

Hoseok come to you and walk around your seat.

What's wrong with him. Ohno, is he a phyco?

"Whaa whaa em do you need something?"

"Don't always think bad about me."

He sit down and doing nothing.

Suddenly, he put something in your pocket.

"Hye! Stop putting garbage in my pocket!"

"What ? I didn't do anything!"

"You putting garbage in my pocket!"


He laying down on his desk.

Urgh! What's wrong with him?!

"Hye, you said my hair style is weird. That's why I change it. Is it okay now ?"

"I'm sorry about yesterday. But, the hair style look suited you well. You look handsome now."

Ohno! I talked to much! He will mad at me.

You close your eyes tightly because you think that Hoseok will do something to you.

But nothing happen.

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