YOH One shot

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Sydney's POV


" Good morning, Thursday! " I exclaimed as I went out of our home.


It's summer vacation and next academic year will be my first year in college. Yey! Exciting! \(^_^)/

But, anyways, that's not the reason why I'm excited today ..

Actually it's because ...






( _ _ )




I took the gift I saw near our gate. It's wrapped in pink box with pink ribbon. My favorite color! :)

Actually, it's already five years now since I've been receiving gifts from someone I don't know. But I know that they came from the same person because of the consistency of the gifts .. from the color of the gift wrappers to the date when it was being delivered to our gate.

I don't have any clue on who's sending those gifts. I tried to catch the mystery person .. I even tried to stay awake for the whole night just to see him but it's as if he knows that I was watching because he's sending it via different people .. sometimes a kid, or an old man. So I did not do it again. It seems like he doesn't want me to see him yet. :(

I kept on saying 'him' .. You noticed it? :p

Yeah .. It's a him for me because what kind of girl would give such gifts to another girl, right?

Unless they're .. uhm .. bisexual?? O_O

But no! It's a him!

" You looked like an idiot! "


There he goes again!

I turned around to see our nosy neighbor/my childhood enemy staring at me wearing that annoying goofy smile again.

I made a face and turned to leave him.

" Hey! Another gift from your stalker? " he asked that made me stopped.

" He's not my stalker! " I turned to him again. " He's my .. my admirer. " I added shyly.


He laughed aloud upon hearing that. This prick!

" Hahahaha .. Admirer? .. Hahahaha! " he's still laughing uncontrollaby despite the dagger looks I'm throwing at him.

" Perhaps you're the one sending gifts to yourself! " he said mockingly.


" Do you think I'm that stupid?! " I almost stomp my feet on the ground. I really hate this guy!

" You think you're not? " he asked still grinning from ear to ear.

I glowered at him but it gave him no effect.

" You're just jealous, Keith. " I said after awhile that made him stopped from laughing.

" W-what?! " he asked incredulously.

" It's just either of the two .. you're jealous because there's someone out there who likes me or you're envious because no one is giving you gifts like this. " I started to smile as I saw the shift of emotion from his face.

YOH  One shotTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon