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Crystal Snow 1; Prankster.

december/8/17; friday
9:19 A.M.

"Hey, can I have your number? Boram?" I said to my friend.

"Oh? sure!" she starts writing on her paper, then gave it to me.

"Thank you, Boram." I said as I ran going home.., I checked the paper again and added her number on my phone.

9:36 A.M.

"Hi! It's Saeyoung!!" I texted.

"Huh?" she texted back.

"Yah! how can you "huh" me, Boram!" I texted back.

"Oh.. I think my sister gave you my phone number, She's a prankster.., really." She texted back.

"Such a liar!! liar liar liar!" I texted.

"Well..., I am Kim Taehyung, I am Boram's brother." She texted back.

"Oh.., so you're not Boram..?" I texted

"'I am not Boram."
"I am Taehyung, her brother, well she is older than me." He texted.

"Oh, well.. thank you, anyways.
deleting your phone number.." I texted.

"Wait! don't! keep it please??" He texted.

"Why though? K I am going to keep it." I texted

"What's your name?" he texted.

"Oh me? I'm Park Saeyoung." I texted.
"Bye! I need to go." I added

   End of chapter 1!

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