Endly's POV
The next few hours would be the best of my life. I met the best people - if you could call them that, they're mobs really - ever: Skeletor and Creepus. Skeletor was a bandit Skeleton. He can be funny, but he almost never catches on to a dirty-minded joke sadly. Creepus was - obviously - a troll of a Creeper. Unlike Skeletor, he wore a black jacket with lime green spots on it and black pants with a chain sticking out of his right pocket and had a mind for making fun of stuff that sounded dirty. Spite me being the only girl in this, I have a more magnetic attraction to that stuff. I was a griefer Endergirl simply. I wore a leather jacket, black pants, and purple shirt and boots.
King Steve, total bastard by the way, turned us into half mobs. He had captured us in cages and tested on us with DNA shit. At the end of the experiment, we were the only ones who were able to escape. We met when we were destroying a town...
I ran in and tore through a dirt shack in a town, the villagers inside it stared back at me. My eyes could've smirked at that moment if they could when I tore them apart limb by limb and ate some of their body parts. I always spare some parts for later. Refrigerators are great. It wasn't long until I heard explosions and arrows being shot through the sky. Shit, mobs. I thought. Why was I worrying? I'm part mob, maybe they'll recognize me as one of their own, even if I'm half human. Maybe all they'll see is the human half and kill me. No matter, I can take them... probably.
I peeked and saw 2 guys. One was wearing a tux and shades. His hair was green and he held TNT and some gold. He seemed human. The other... not so much. The other wore a bandit bandana to cover his skeletal face. His clothes were torn archer clothes. They stared at each other in confusion and then as if they remembered each other. Actually, I think I remember them too, they were probably from the bitch King Steve's experiment. Their faces did look familiar...
I ran up to them waving like a retard. "Hello!" I said.
They stared at me as if I were an idiot. "Not a mob." The green-haired one said. He was taller up close, even with my Ender DNA now.
The skeleton guy questioned me. "Quick, do you like sandwiches?"
I nodded awkwardly. "...Yes...?"
"You're awesome." He held his gloved hand up for a high 5 and I slapped it.
The green-haired guy stared at me suspiciously. It made me shudder a bit with the look in his eyes. Lucky for him, his half mob counterpart didn't affect my Ender-provoke. "How are we sure if you're not a traitor Ender."
"Because I'm here." I answered simply. "So... I'm Endly, or at least that's the name Steve used for me in experimentation. What about you guys?"
"Skeletor. Still a name he used for me." The skeleton guy said.
"Creepus." the green-haired guy answered.
I smiled. "I can see why he called you that." I laughed.
He rolled his eyes with a smile. "Whatever." He looked at my forehead and tackled me suddenly, along with that was the sound of a shot. He stared down at me from on top of me.
I blushed terribly. Then I gasped for breath. "You're on my lungs." I wheezed.
He scrambled off me just in time for us to see Skeletor shoot the guy who tried to kill me in the heart and head. It was gruesome but neccesary. "Damn hunters..." he muttered.
"We need a base." I reminded them.
We searched out for a spot to put our base in, we got to know each other well meanwhile. Finally, we found a birch tree in a clearing. We started to build down an awesome base. By a few hours, we made bedrooms and an arcade and other rooms needed for our awesome base.
I smiled at our achievement. We functioned as a team very well. "Now we need a team name..." I said. "What's it gonna be?"
"Mob Squad?" Skeletor suggested.
Creepus shook his head in denial. "That's already a popular YouTube MineCraft show."
"Iron Attack!" I said.
"Budder is bedder." Creepus said. "The Budder Group."
"Hell no, diamonds!" Skeletor complained.
An idea struck my mind. "How about... the Mineral Squad?"
They thought over this for a second. "That could work." And we decided:
For now on and forever, we would be called The Mineral Squad.