my kewl story abut one derection

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one tyme Der waz five boyz named Zen Neil harrol leyum and Louie they waz like de hottest boyz on dis planet. once Dey appeared in mah  houze I thinked it waz pre coolz Dey taked me out for dinnerz and by accident I maded dem spend like 50$ at mcit donaldz because I waz hungary I eated lyke 7 boxes of som chicken nugest it waz pre good . after dat we wented to da mall Neil bouggted me dem highwasted shorts . leyum had bougghted me sum flip flops becauze it waz really hawt outside . den Zen boughted me sum unde wears cause I needed dem . Louie boughted me sum shirts Dey were croped toped , Dey said I'm hipstah and I luv food. and den last but not leazt harrol boughted me sum gum cause my breaf stanked like dem chick nugets. but after all we stayed in a expensive hotel it was like 104 bucks! da day after we wented wrift shopin got a new bra'z but when we getted home Dey didn't fit mez :'( so I tryed returning dem wasn't aloud.  I was pre mad I yelled a swear word .  dinner timez comez around all I wanted was mah chicken nugest but Dey wanted subway so I getted mad and I leaved dem at subway becauze I didn't even get mah chicken nugest. so I wented to da hotel and wented swimmin all by mah self . I finked da boyz got a wittle scured dat I wasn't even at da mcit donaldz i waz supose to be at. but den Dey found me , I was like SHIET . den I leaved. den I falled asleep . den I waked up and sawed I waz at my houze and mah friend Caroline was dur . I askeded hur wat the fucks she waz doinz at mah houze she sayed I waz waitin hur for yuh den I telled her I waz wiff one derection she waz jelouz of mez. I jst laugheded at hur , den mah sister of course ez dropped me den she cumed in yellin YOU FUCKIN MEETED ONE DERECTION ? den I sayed Yus I finked she goted a wittle mad at mez but itz okayz. afterz I asked leyum if he wanted to fuck . leyum kinda paused and stared at mez I blushed but den after lyke 1.5 hourz he sayed Yus me and leyum haded sex I telled him he taked my virginity he fuckeded me like Der waz no tomorrow , I screamed YAASSSS HARDDUUR YUSSSS . den suddenley I heard mah muder say iz you okay ?! she finked I was hurt or sumthing mean while I waz moaning cause leyum . Dayum mah sister walked in us she scured meh. after dat it was dinnah time we eated then layeded Der and watcheded a movie and den I falled asleep den in de morning I waked up I tryed cooking a surprize breakfast but he haded to wake up -.- I telled leyum dat he haded to go home today becauze I haded scwel tomorrowz , he did hus big pouty wip. we spended da day at da park laying Der in da sun talking he wented home befure supa and I didn't lyke eatin wiffout hum. so I just falled asleep . da next day ... when I waked up I getted up and relized I sleeped in a 1 later den I waz suppoze to wake up , so den I getted up and raned to my baffroom taked off my clothes and turned on da shower and turned it on hotz jyst how I lyked it , I washed mah hair wiff da new shampoe from da dolla store . it was only 1.50$ so I boughted it . after dat Der was not enouhz soap for mah body so I jyst getted out dryeded my boday and mah hur . after dat I picked out my outfit today I pucked da purfect outfit it waz.... my yellowz tank top , mah green capriz and den mah new hollies from da dolla store Dey are red . I decided to do my hur in sum high curled piggy tailz wiff sum purple hair ties to match mah make-op which waz some mascurra purple eye shadowz sum eye linerz and sum bright pink lip stick , cause da boyz like da lips purfect . after dat I wented down stairs to eat sum breaky fast. I eated sum granolaz wiff sum toast n yougurt . after dat I waz thinking about doin mah teef but nah I waz to lazy when I getted to school it waz a boring long day . so when I getted home I wented on mah computer and I listens to sum one derection and sum five secondz of summah I like Der son she iz so purfect . after dat I played sum minecraft and eated sum smartfood popcurn , when mah mom and daddy goted home Dey got mad at meh becauze I didn't even do mah choires I hated to do da dishes but I didn't so my parentz and me gotted in a fight I waz yelling at dem . I just wanted to sweared I wanted to tell my dadd to go and suck himselfz den I waz in mah room screamin into da pillo swearwing becauze I'm not aloudz to swear , even doe I iz 14. so I just stayed in mah room da hole night . da next day afterz , I goted up and I needed to get ready for school againz this tyme I walked to schoolz today I weared purple sweat pantz wiff a brown hoody and sum yellow flats wiff mah hair down wiff one bow in it , I didn't showa becauze I haded one yesturday I didn't wearz makup todayz when I waz walkin to school I singed Wiggle by Jason durolo. itz Mah Jaaayummmmmmmmm. when I getted to schoolz everyone's laffted at me cause I singed bad . so I waz sad and I skipped school and jysted fan girled.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2014 ⏰

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