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"How do I look?"

Sicheng looked up from his phone to see his best friend walking out of the fitting room. It was a mistake. His breath got caught in his throat as he looked at his best friend. Jaehyun was handsome, there was no point in denying that, but Jaehyun in a suit? That was something else. Sicheng had never believed in angels or things like that, but the boy in front of him looked like a God, and Sicheng was enjoying the view more than he should.

"Sicheng? How does it look?"

"I-it looks... it looks alright..."


"Y-yeah, it looks good on y-you..."

"Are you sure? You don't look really convinced..."

"No, it really looks good!"

"Great because I really like this suit!"

"But, why do you want to wear a suit so bad? I told you that it wasn't necessary..."

"Of course it's necessary! Your sister is getting married and I should look nice in front of your family."

"You really don't need a suit, my family already likes you."

"I know, but it doesn't hurt to gain some extra points. Besides, it's a wedding, I should look nice. So, we agree on this suit?"- Sicheng nodded, causing his friend to smile-"Alright, let me change so I can pay for this and we can go get some coffee!"


It was a Tuesday noon during their study session when it downed on Sicheng that he loved Jaehyun. It was at that moment, sitting on the floor of his best friend's dorm that he realized he didn't want to be Jaehyun's friend; he wanted to be more than that, and it scared him. He knew long ago, he admitted to himself that he liked Jaehyun, but he never thought it would be something more than just a simple crush.

He looked at his friend sitting across from him, his face showed nothing but full concentration; Sicheng loved to see Jaehyun's concentrated face. His heart started to beat like crazy the moment Jaehyun pulled on his lower lip, a habit he did when his brain worked three times harder than usual. Sicheng felt his face warm up and he knew he had to get out of there. He slammed his books shut, catching Jaehyun's attention as he started to throw his materials in his backpack.

"What are you doing?"

"Sorry, I have to go.."

"So suddenly?"

"Yes, I just remembered I have to meet up with Yuta."

Without letting Jaehyun say anything else, he stood from the floor, his backpack already hanging from his shoulder and left Jaehyun's dorm, slamming the door behind him before walking down the hall at a fast pace. He needed to talk to someone, someone who would know what to do, so without much thinking, he took the flight of stairs two floors up before knocking on Doyoung's door. A second later the door was opened by Taeyong.

"Sicheng? What is it? Why are you crying?"- Soon after, Doyoung appeared behind the older.

"Hyung, what do I do?"

"What do mean?"

"I think I love Jaehyun."

Doyoung and Taeyong shared a look before the older of the two took Sicheng in his arms and pulled him inside the room.


Sicheng found himself sitting on Doyoung's couch, wrapped in Doyoung's bunny blanket, and a cup of warm milk on his hands. Doyoung was sitting in the space next to him, making sure he was comfortable while Taeyong went to the store around the corner for a pint of ice cream.

"Are you sure you love him?"

"I think so... Hyung, what am I going to do? I'm scared..."

"Of what?"

"If Jaehyun finds out, it could ruin our friendship. I don't want to lose him..."

"I don't think Jaehyun would stop being your friend if he finds out."

"But our friendship won't be the same, I don't want that to happen. Promise me that you won't tell Jaehyun about this, or everyone else. Especially Yuta hyung, you know he doesn't know how to keep his mouth shut..."

"Don't worry, I won't say anything. And I'm sure Taeyong won't say anything either."

"Thank you hyung."

"So what are you going to do now?"

"I don't know, but it's going to be hard for me to be with Jaehyun."

"Aren't you guys flying to China for your sister's wedding this weekend?"

"Aish! I totally forgot about it! What am I going to do?"

"Just keep on being yourself, don't think about your feelings. One wrong move and everything goes down. And if you need anything, you can call me, I'll answer right away. Just don't worry to much about it and it will be alright."

"Thank you hyung, I don't know what I would do without you..."


The day when they had to fly to China had come. Doyoung and Taeyong had dropped them off at the airport and wished them luck. They didn't leave without reassuring Sicheng that everything was going to be alright. After Sicheng's realization, he had tried really hard to keep his usual relationship with Jaehyun, but the boy just kept on making it hard for him. Jaehyun had been more happy and clingy than usual, which left Sicheng blushing in more than one occasion. His heart and mind where also against him. Whenever Jaehyun was around, his heart would beat like crazy and was scared that the boy might hear it win how strong and loud it was beating. Sicheng had a hell of a week. He couldn't sleep right because the image of Jaehyun in that black suit kept on haunting him even in his dreams. The fact that he was going to see him in that black suit with that beautiful dimple smile again tonight was killing him. The entire trip to China had been dreadful. Sicheng was restless and couldn't close his eyes for more than five minutes, unlike Jaehyun who slept the entire trip. It took one look at the boy sleeping next to him for Sicheng to call Doyoung. He was in trouble, and he needed someone to listen to him.

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