Intuitive Rationalism Article 1

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Implementing Meritocracy In Every Day Life

As I write this article many questions arise. The foremost being "What is Meritocracy to me?"
By now I've experienced various forms of Meritocracy, some good, some bad. But mostly I witness individuals rambling about this system, or what they have read concerning it.
Among these, very few actually live Meritocratically. To them, Meritocracy is just a word, not a way of life. They believe if they point the way to the word itself, they are being a Meritocrat. Of course switching out the tired, two party system of Republican/Democrat in America will take some time. But Merit and effort aren't simply about government.
If an individual can't live in effort and Merit, then they have not the slightest conception of what it means. Even the brightest of people can explain Meritocracy, Math, and Mayhem, but if they aren't living by its dictums their ramblings will fall short of the goal.
So when I think "What is Meritocracy to me?" It becomes about goals. Not just talking about goals. But setting forth a goal and implementing whatever it takes (within reason) to bring the goal to completion.
Then on to the next attainment. It's not that simple though is it? Our society teaches instant gratification above all else.
"If I can't have it RIGHT NOW how I want it, I don't need it at all!"
That's the attitude of our world right now. Either that or countless souls awaiting their desires to be handed to them on a platter as they sit mindlessly whining like a babe for milk.
Merit is about effort, completion, and distribution to the greater whole.
What is Merit not about?
Being a kiss ass
What are most people?
Lazy, apathetic, kiss asses.
Gee, I wonder why attaining to Merit hasn't caught mainstream attention yet.
People want to be at the top of the commitment ladder without climbing any rungs. They want their fame, their fortune, their glory and they want it right fucking now!
Tell them they have no other choice but to work for it, and they'll hit the door before you're done speaking. The easiest way to grok Merit, is to live  your life in a way that shows you are invested in everything you do. Even the simplest tasks deserve complete investment of self.
Also remember, no one is going to hold your hand and unite you with Merit. If you're a talker, or a dreamer, you will never see the light at the end of the tunnel three solar systems away from Merit. Let alone have the slightest comprehension what it truly means. On the flip side if you are an achiever, don't expect high fives and hand shakes every time you accomplish something. A true achiever, once having completed a task, is already on to the next accomplishment in such a blur their intentions become invisible to the slow and weak. So, don't you think it's time to start living your life in Merit? What is Meritocracy to you?
Remember, Merit starts with self, and in changing yourself you change a small part of the world.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2017 ⏰

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