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"Damn it!"


A chorus of groans and curse words echoed in the empty corridor, as their bodies collided with each other, throwing them backwards. Sirius Black began dusting himself, now up on his feet and mumbling something which the other person could not catch. After a few moments he looked down at the person he bumped into and extended his hand for help. "Thanks", she said. Sirius took a quick glance at her. She was short and slender and had, long and perfectly straight silver blonde hair, which reached her waistline. Her eyes were a cold, ice blue and her features were sharply sculpted on her pale white skin. She raised her eyebrow and rolled her eyes when his stare lingered on her for a little too long.

Sirius cleared his throat and spoke up.

"Not really my concern but you wouldn't want to be caught running around the castle two hours after the curfew",he said, flicking his hair off his face lazily.

"Not really my concern but you wouldn't want to get caught playing a prank now. Would you?", the girl retorted. Sirius looked at her , surprised.

"How did you-", he was cut off by her devilish smirk. He shook his head deciding not to ask and then stuck his hand out.

"Sirius Black",he said matching her smirk. She shook his hand.

"Alexandra......", she cringed once before uttering her last name. "Malfoy". Sirius' hand dropped to his side and he squinted at her.

"Malfoy?", he said, disgust and distaste coating his voice. He knew better than to associate with the kind of his family. If anything he hated all prejudiced purebloods and was ashamed to belong to such a family.

"Trust me I don't like it either", she said. She has never liked her family and neither has she been liked by them. Her father has always despised her and her mother. Well she never paid any attention. Sirius frowned.

"What do you mean?", he asked.

"Well. Who can deny that they are a bunch of pureblood pricks".

Sirius felt a tug at his lips and amusement danced across his face. Never had he been able to relate to a person so well. Even his own brother disliked him for not being prejudiced. He was about to say something when a snobby voice interrupted him.

"Not even a complete day here and you start fooling around and playing pranks with a bloodtraiter", Lucius Malfoy spat out. Alexandra whipped her head back to face him.

"Hello to you too, brother", she said in a sickly sweet voice. The blonde, pale boy stood in front of his sister, a girl clung to his arms who seemed to be crying.

"Oh my! What happened to your face Narcissa?", Alexandra asked feigning surprise and innocence. Lucius glowered at his sister.

"You cannot fool me, you ungrateful prat!",he growled. Alexandra fake yawned and waved her hand motioning her brother to continue. Lucius turned red with and rage. Sirius nerves jolted and he didn't know why but his blood began boiling. He stepped closer to Lucius.

"And you cannot talk to her like that", he said. Lucius frowned and spared him a glance before looking straight at his sister.

"Surely I should report this to father. Shouldn't I? He would be so proud of his little Alexandra", he said, an evil grin forming on his lips.

There was a split second where Sirius was sure he saw a flicker of fear cross her face before it turned stone cold again. Now he was curious. Things were becoming clearer every second and he realized she was just as much of a rebel as he was.

Lucius turned on his heels and marched away proudly with his girlfriend. Alexandra sighed and looked back at Sirius.

"See? But nevermind that. OH! I totally forgot. Uh-It was nice meeting you but I gotta hurry. Bye", she said and took to sprinting down to the slytherin dormitories.

"Of course she is a slytherin", Sirius mumbled and shook his head.

"Merlin Padfoot. We thought you lost your way". James Potter exclaimed dramatically when he say his best friend enter the warm and red common room through the portrait hole.

"Don't tell me you got held up snogging someone in the hallway", Remus Lupin asked with his nose buried in a book.

"You wouldn't believe me", Sirius said.

"Yeah cause I am a bullshit detector", said James grinning widely.

"Takes one to know one", Remus pointed out which earned a round of snicker from all three of them.

"Yeah so apparently Malfoy has a sister and she pranked her brother's girlfriend within a few hours of setting foot here", Sirius said.

James raised his eyebrows in interest. " Why would she do that? And what is it to you?", he asked.

"She hates her family or so she says and it was very clear that she did really despise them because she and Malfoy are not really on very good terms".

"So?", asked James. Remus shot him a look which he immediately caught and sprang up on his feet.

"I can relate to her. She is like me", Sirius said at last surprising his friends. Never had Sirius Black ever been able to decipher any kind of emotions. He always had this carefree demeanor surrounding him. He never found someone he thought was on the same page he was. No matter how hard he tried he could not kick the other Malfoy out of his head and he was determined to meet her again. Slytherin or not Sirius was very interested in that rough and tough, yet petite girl who he bumped into that day.

The first chapter is too short but don't worry it only gets better!

I hope you enjoy this new fic.

P.S: I will have no problem wracking my brains for the upcoming chapters cause this time I have it all planned out, unlike my last fanfic.

<3 :) 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2017 ⏰

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