I'm just tired.

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Dedicated to Winn Schott, the greatest best friend Kara has ever had and who should be appreciated more. When Kara said she's never had best friends before. Um none of them know your secret. But Winn does. And one of them just put you in a coma. 😐 Just saying.

It was the early hours of the morning. Maybe two or three or clock? He didn't know and he didn't care. All Mon-el cared about was her. The girl fighting for her life as she lay helplessly on a bed in the DEO.

He wished he could have come see her as soon as they finished the operation but that would raise too many questions. He had to keep up this facade with Imra. He had to make sure the mission was successful. His stupid emotions couldn't get in the way of that no matter how hard it was.

So as soon as Alex got called away on a mission that she had no choice but to leave her sister's side, he snuck out of his room and made his way to her.

And this is how he ended up sitting next to her, holding her fragile hand in his as she lay there helpless.

Her wounds had been cleaned but her cuts were still visible. He could see where her head had been bashed and her lip had been sliced. Her left eye was still noticeably bruised. He had never seen her like this before. It was usually the other way around with whoever she was fighting.

"I'm sorry Kara." he sighed.

" I'm so, so sorry." he croaked.

" You shouldn't have had to do this. To put up with all the crap that life has thrown you lately. That I've thrown you." he muttered.

" I know you can't hear me right now but if this is my only chance to tell you how I really feel, without hurting the mission, then I'll take it."

"I......I know you said that me being here with Imra isn't hard for you but I know that's a lie. I recognize that crinkle anywhere. You were always too strong for your own good." he laughed miserably.

" I never wanted to hurt you. But I had to. In order to save you. Pretending not to love you has proven to be the hardest thing I've had to do my whole life. But if doing that is what will save your life, then I have no choice."

"It's ironic. Because it's exactly what you taught me to do. Make a sacrifice no matter how big, for the greater good. And even though it hurts everytime I see that pained expression on your face, I would do this a million times again if I had to."

"Because the world needs Supergirl. And I don't want to live in a world where you're not there." he admitted as tears blurred his vision.

"Mon-el." Imra touched his shoulder from behind.

" She didn't deserve this." he said angrily.

" I know, but it'll be for the greater good. You said so yourself. We have to carry out the mission as planned." Imra said.

"Mon-el, if you love her as much as you said you do....."

"I do."

"Then, we must let the events play out as expected in this timeline. Until we're needed. That's the only way to stop what happened ten centuries ago. The only way to save her." she added.

" I know." he sighed.

" She's going to wake soon. We should go." she urged.

Mon-el sighed. He got up quietly and placed a kiss on her forehead.

" I love you." he whispered.

"Mon-el, agents are coming this way, if they see us here then......" she sounded panicked.

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