[straight forward]

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[smut warning]

ian sighed as he dwelt upon twitter, scrolling through random fights, and pictures. he saw a cute gay couple kissing, and it made him think about his undeniable love for his best friend, joji. he always had a thing for the jap, but never acted on it. telling the truth to joji was his weakness. he always found himself gasping for more air when he was around joji, and a small build up of sweat on his upper forehead. did joji ever notice? ian didn't have a fucking clue.

 joji came through his bedroom door, and plopped down on the couch, a few inches away from ian. joji flipped through random channels, eventually finding an australian news program. since they were in australia with max, and chad, it wasn't hard finding a show they actually liked. but they had been there for a week now, and it was becoming kinda fun. they would go out and do stupid shit, and make cancerous videos for what people thought was decent entertainment. even though ian always liked his job, there was always consequences. idubbbz was only a character, much like filthy frank. but the 'fans' didn't exactly get that. even if ian was a foul-mouthed, blunt as fuck white guy. ian had a soft side, but he rarely let it show. it wasn't worth it, in his opinion. joji always seemed to get it, he always seemed to be there when ian needed him most. and maybe that's why ian fell in love with joji so easily. he was hilarious, sweet, and fucking hot. 

ian positioned his computer screen to where joji couldn't see. he wanted to ask joji out, but wasn't sure how he'd react, or even sure of how to even ask him out. joji had acted 'gay' before, but that didn't really help ian at the time. it made ian want to fuck him even more. plus, ian hasn't even came out to anyone yet. only his mother, who was very accepting of him. that day he told his mother, back in january, consisted of a shit ton of tears, and a whole fuck ton of reassuring words. 

fast forward to now, ian was typing 'how to ask a guy out'. ian hadn't realised that it would be from a woman's perspective. since there are so many god damn straight people on this earth. he internally cursed at himself, before typing in another search. 'how to ask your straight guy friend out'. and that was when he finally got some answers. the sites were mostly made for horny teenagers, but ian didn't care. as long as he had some kind of help. 

'step 1: make small gestures, making sure they get some kind of idea that you're interested in them'

ian cringed. he hated this shit, and he couldn't read anymore. but he did decide to read the comments. one had said 'if you really like someone, just tell them. it'll be fine.' ian didn't know what would happen, and that's what was keeping him hesitant. but sometimes, you just had to grow a fucking pair, and do what you're meant to do. 

ian's heart began to race as he shut down his laptop quickly. he shifted a bit, so he could fully see joji. 

"hey george?" joji turned his attention away from the tv screen, locking eyes with the nervous ian. "yeah?" he asked. ian tried to not think about the rising anxiety feeling in his chest, and continued. "i don't think i've ever told you this, because i was too scared, but i'm gay." joji's eyes widened a bit. ian was practically on the verge of an anxiety attack, but he didn't care. all he cared about was joji's reaction. joji turned his head away for a few seconds, before looking directly at ian again. "does max, like, know?" ian shook his head. "..chad..?" again, ian shook his head. joji got up from the couch, looking down at ian, only making his anxiety even fucking worse. joji wouldn't stop looking directly in his eyes, which made ian feel..self conscious. which was weird, but true. 

"so if you're gay, and..they..don't know, then can i do this?" joji said as he leaned down quickly and planted a small peck on ian's soft lips. everything broke loose in ian, and he felt everything and nothing at once. oh how fucking long he'd been waiting for this. joji pulled away almsot instantly, talking so fast he didn't seem to breathe. "ian-i'm so, so sorry, i shouldn't of done that. i should've asked you, i'm so-" ian got up from the couch, and stood upright. he had wanted this for so long, he wasn't about to lose his only chance. 

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