What is Beat Girl?

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My name is Heather Jennings. 

I've always lived in London with my mother, who by the way was a famous piano concertist; she was the one who passed onto me her passion for music and now that she's gone I feel completely lost..

It's always been the two of us since I remember, as Tom (my dad) left us when I was just a toddler. He never accepted mum's complete dedication to music and I think this is what caused them to break up. I'll never forgive him for giving up on us, and even more for not being there when mum fell ill. But he was too busy raising his new family I guess. And now that we have to live under the same roof, I feel like he’s no more than a stranger to me.

Fortunately, I still have my music. No matter what happens around me, I know that I can always find refuge in music. It's hard to explain but as I sit at the piano the world hushes and my soul starts to sings. And I still have my Big Dream - to get into Julliard and become a great pianist as my Mum. The most famous conservatory in the world and New York City are waiting for me! I just have to nail an important audition that is just a few weeks away.. Fingers crossed!!

Starting June 13, a new chapter and episode will be uploaded every Wednesday and Friday!

My book on Wattpad is a prequel of the Beat Girl Novel, already available on Amazon and iBookStore. 

My web series is also the first show ever on Pinterest: follow me @beatgirlworld and find me on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube in the same channel as Aisling's Diary and Collider: beChilled TV 

just use the #beatgirl hashtag :)

There's a also a movie coming soon so stay tuned.



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