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It was silent inside Kuroko's house except of the sound of the TV playing a certain drama and the soft breathing of the two cuddling in a love seat. Suddenly, Akashi broke their cuddle and rise up in the love seat and walked towards the kitchen leaving a bewildered bluenette behind. Minutes passed and the redhead came back with a kitchen knife in his hand. Kuroko rise up in his seat when he heard footsteps going to where he is. He turned to look at his lover but stop of what he saw. His large doe eyes gone wide and he starts to feel scared.

"S-sei...w-what are you...g-going to d-do with t-that?" he asked, voice stuttering in too much fear. The redhead only smirks. "Oh this?" He played the knife with his hands and looks back at the cowering bluenette, a smirk still plastered  on his lips.

"hmm... to kill you?" and laughs evilly after he said those words. "B-bokushi? H-how? But Sei-----" Bokushi cut him. "But Sei said you're already gone." and mockingly mimicks Kuroko's voice. He laughed again but much louder than the last one. "What a fool. Just because I  stop controlling him for a month means I'm already gone? Bullshit." he spats angrily.

Bokushi slowly walks toward the bluenette while the bluenette steps away from him. Bokushi smirked and in a blink of an eye, his infront of Kuroko. "Move and I'll stabbed you right through your heart." he whispered.

Kuroko can feel the sharpness of the knife poking his abdomen. And when Bokushi thrust it a bit, he yelps in pain. Bokushi only laughed of his reaction and thrust the knife a little bit deeper. "Look how helpless you are..." he said as he turned the knife in a circular motion making Kuroko to gasped in pain and tears start to form in his eyes.

He wanted to push Bokushi and escape this hell but he can't because he's scared. Just a little movement he make, and Bokushi will kill him in an instant. And he believe  that Akashi will take control again and stop this.

"Do you think he'll  take control and stop this?" bokushi said thrusting the knife much more deeper. Kuroko  only smiled as a reply despite  the pain he felt. Bokushi seeing this only made  him mad. And in a one swift move,he thrust the knife deeply into Kuroko making the bluenette to cough blood. Not satisfied of what he did, he pull out the knife and tried to stab Kuroko again but the bluenette stop him despite the little energy he had.

Kuroko look deeply into his eyes and said the three magical words. Hearing this, Bokushi dropped the knife and steps away from the bluenette, hands clutching  his head as he yell trying to stop Akashi from controlling back. Kuroko, with no energy left, dropped off on the floor as he's blood slowly seeps out of his body.

After a while, Bokushi stops yelling and clutching his head as Akashi won over him. Akashi removed his hand off of his head and smile but it change into a mixed of hurt and shocked once he saw what lays infront of him. His lover, covered by a pool of blood. His body shakes as he slowly walks toward Kuroko.

"T-tetsuya?" he said as he gently get the bluenette off the floor. "S....ei-i...." Kuroko weakly said. "Don't talk okay? I'll gonna----" Akashi said but Kuroko cut him as he slowly raised his hand and caressed Akashi's cheek while he shakes his head 'no'.

"No Tetsuya! I can't let you die! You're the only one left in me! So please, don't give up...." Kuroko just smile weakly and with that, he died in Akashi's arms, hands dropping off of the redheads cheek. "No Tetsuya! Wake up! Don't give up! Don't... give u-up...." Akashi cried and cried. "I told you, I'll kill all person that is important to you just like what I did to your parents..." Bokushi said but Akashi did not respond and just hug the lifeless body of his lover tightly as he cried his heart out. Eversince that day, Akashi never let anyone close to him, scared that Bokushi will kill them.

                   -THE END-

A/n: I'm back!!! So here you go my lovely teddy bears. A new akakuro fanfic! I hope you'll love this too just like to my other works... I'm confuse between oreshi and bokushi so comment it below of  who really is Akashi's split personality... Please don't forget to vote, comment and follow. Stay awesome~
Till next time! Ja ne~


Disclaimer: I did not own Kuroko no Basuke and it's characters. Tadatoshi-sama rightfully owns it. I did not own the picture I used either. I only own the plot of this oneshot and nothing else.

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