The Mission

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(Whole story is in Lance's POV)

I am awoken from a deafening siren over the speakers, shortly after Coran's voice is heard "Alright Paladins! We need everybody for a meeting at the bridge immediately about an important mission!"

I groan, 'Ugh i wish Pidge didn't steal her headphones back, i'd still be in an amazing sleep!' I think think to myself. Sometimes I'm jealous of the 10 000 years of sleep Allura and Coran got.

I grab my jeans, grey and blue baseball shirt and my favorite jacket and dress myself. I go to walk out the door until i realize i forgot my boots.

"Oh yeah, shoes are a thing" I say to myself as I grab them and slip them on. My bedroom door slides open and I head to the bridge of the ship. Its so weird, at one point its a ship and the next it can be a castle. Space is so odd. My thoughts are interrupted as I almost trip over Pidge who's walking slowly in front of me. I narrowly miss her but she notices, "Hey! Watch it Lance!" she roars fiercely at me, well as fiercely as a short person can.

"Its not my fault you have such short legs Pidge!" I retort, continuing my walk down the corridor. She grabs onto me, trying to stop me, wanting to fight. Instead, she gets dragged along, shoes squeaking against the Altean floor.

We make it to the bridge before Hunk, who apologizes for being late, complaining that the entire castle looks the same when he's tired.

Allura begins her speech, "There are rumors that planet Gahdoleen, who joined in the rebellion against the Galra, is being slowly taken over again from the inside. We have to see if these rumors are true. This will be an Undercover mission, which means no lions or Paladin armours, only your Bayards in case it goes wrong. Do NOT make contact and break your cover unless it is absolutely necessary."

Our Space Dad, Shiro nods his head, "Ok got it, Keith, Hunk and I will need to get out of our Paladin armours and into something more lowkey" the idiots wore their Paladin suits to the meeting, classic.

"Actually," says Coran playing with his mustache "we need you three to stay here, the people of the planet the 'Gahdee' only accept couples, the planet being for couple's getaways only. Allura and I have decided that Lance and Pidge will go undercover as a just engaged couple!"

Us Paladins are all shocked, even Shiro. I look over to Pidge and grin "Hear that Pidge? We're gonna be engaged! I didn't even know that I proposed! Wait, did YOU propose?"

She groans and smacks her head against the laptop, Shiro chimes in "Ok then you two better get ready to leave," he turns to Allura "when are they leaving?"

Allura replies, unaware of Hunk's still shocked expressions "Tomorrow, you two need to get your story straight so you don't get caught"

I look to Pidge, her head still against her laptop and look back to Allura "Don't worry it'll be a piece of undercover cake."

Undercover Love - PidganceWhere stories live. Discover now