Ask Me for Forgiveness

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     "How many times do I have to say 'I'm sorry', Kurt," a boy said.

    "I told you that I forgive you, Blaine. I just don't know if I can trust you," Kurt said, voice breaking with every vowel. It's been two months since they broke up.

    "Blaine," Kurt bagan, suddenly angry and not so much sad, "you cheated on me. Don't you remember when I was texting Chandler and how mad you got? You had an actual affair!" Tears were building up in both their eyes.
    ''Kurt, I love you," Blaine whispered, working hard to fight the tears threatening to fall from his lachrymose eyes, "I will never love anybody but you."

      "Don't," Kurt barked in a rhadamanthine way, "I know you love me, I love you, too," Blaine's face lit up hopefully, "but," Kurt continued as he watched Blaine's face fall with slight satisfaction "you betrayed me." Kurt walked out and left Blaine alone in the hallway of William McKinley High School.

A/N PLEASE READ----I know this was a very short chapter! I am trying to set the mood, okay? Don't hate! I will update as often as I can and I just wanted to let you know that if you haven't read it yet I have a Klaine oneshot called All Of Me so if you like this one so far please check that one out any comments to improve my writing are GREATLY appreciated and I hope you guys enjoy Ask Me for Forgiveness!! Love you, my gumdrops!!!!

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