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The music that once blasted from the speakers down and was replace by the deafening screams of the crowd. Soonyoung ( oh i mean Hoshi ) took a deep breath to calm himself as he felt the adrenaline pushing through his body. He looked out to the crowd and at that moment he felt so nervous-they all did.

The light so bright so he squint his eyes at the suddens brightness. "Say the name!" Seungcheol says. They all greeted enthusiatic and scream all over the crowd. He smiled at the fans but,slightly distracted he scanned the crowd with his eyes looking for certain someone. As they prepared for Healing stage and finally he found her. She gazed at the members like a proud mother. She wasn't sitting up in the front exactly explaining that she wanted to give chances for the fans as well to see them better.

And in split seconds they both made eye contact. Her bright smile was replace with unreadable expression. The lightstick that she held high up in the air was lowered into her lap, Soonyoung watched as he give her a fake smile, though he knew it wasn't genuine i mean it looked painful. Soonyoung hadn't even realize that his smile disappeared until she point at her own fake smile too.

Soonyoung looked away to other section and waiting for his turn to introduce himself. After 2 Hours 15 Minutes concert finally ended and they come backstage to tore themselves away from the stage and the crowd, the sadness that the concert was over in split seconds before they all bowed to all the staffs.

"Thank you everyone for the hardwork! Thank you so much. Since here we are all seventeen! Thank you." Seungcheol says with his bright smile. And the members said different things to the staffs around them as they walked by,still hyper from the concert 15 minutes ago. They got to the dressing room,met with smiling face of their stylist,managers and other staff who had worked with them. It was mess in the corner Seungkwan and Seokmin shout they are hungry and want to quickly changed and have dinner together, Jihoon who's knocked out on the couch,Minghao and Wonwoo who's immediately reading books,Jeonghan at the bathroom and Chan texting his mother tell that the concert is ended. However the room started to clear as the staff disappear one by one remembering that their work hasn't done yet.

As soon as the members started to come down from the nervous, though Chan and Seokmin were still hyper themselves bouncing and hugging all his hyungs. And there were a few knocks on the door followed by a woman with big smile on her face and arms filled with foods as usual.

"SeHyeon-ah!!" Seokmin and Mingyu rushed to the door excitement,except Soonyoung who's still on the couch playing with his phone. Followed by Hansol make it to her,tackling her in a tight hug, "Noona!" Hansol says. He always forgot that he wasn't a little boy anymore and that makes her loose her balance for a bit before returning the hug and followed by other members. Wonwoo made it to her last, he would never admit it but he had soft spot for her, as he did for the members.

The members knew that she and Soonyoung wasn't in the good term for the last few weeks but the maknae line was not going to let their favorite couple fight for a long time especially she is Seungkwan and Hansol favorite noona.

"You all did a great job, i'm so proud of you!" She smiles brightly at each one of them while serving their favorite starbucks coffee. Since she was at the center it's kinda hard struggling and keep her balance carrying all the foods. "Okay, enough guys." Seungcheol laughled,pulling back and offering his help. "Here Soonyoung-ah your coffee," With a heavy heart Chan's release his embrace and deep sigh knowing that he wouldn't get a chance to hug his noona again,but Seungkwan not showing any sign to let her embrace any time soon.

"Congratulations Josh, you did a great job!" She looked at Jisoo while sitting beside him with a proud face. She looked at Soonyoung but he still look at his phone. "Thank you for coming , SeHyeon-ah , ah by the way.." Jisoo clear his throat. "What happen with you and Soonyoung? He look so sad to be honest." She look away from Jisoo , "Ah... I don't know. He changed so fast, i can't match his pace."

"Noona, thank you for the coffee." Hansol hugged her once again,he smiled so brightly to her. She ran her fingers through his hair a couple more times before pushing him to go get food, he refused and hold her even tighter now, "No.... the only time i get to do this when you and Soonyoung hyung are fighting." She laughed and let him to hugged her even tight. She knew he didn't mean anything bad by it but still stung a bit,the reminder that Soonyoung still won't talk to her.

Honestly, she didn't even remember what happened. All she remembered that she supposed to be mad at him and that he was supposed to mad at her. With Hansol still hugging her, she sneakly looked over at Soonyoung again and felt a frown creep across her facea at the sight of him just laying at the couch not even paying attention to her,as if she wasn't there. She walked over to the other members by the food with Hansol still latched onto her like a baby.

Without her knowledge, Soonyoung would glance at her every once a while,anger bubbling inside him at the sight of Hansol clinging into his girlfriend. He wanted to go to her and grab her by the hand and get out from the room away from everyone (Hansol). But he couldn't because he didn't have the right to. They were supposed to broken up. At least, he tought they are. Honestly,he doesn't remember what happened too. All he remembered was they weren't talking to each other. I mean, that's like being broken up,right.....?

Soonyoung glanced again at her over and over again and frowned at the sight of her squeezed in on the couch with Hansol and Jisoo hyung who was sitting beside her. He had to keep himself to burstout right there and then when he saw her feed Hansol a bite of her food. Hansol face turned red and he had enough. Without a word,he got up and left the dressing room.

"Oh,you are here." Soonyoung eyes opened at the sound that he missed so much. He blinked his eyes to adjust the light and looked to the door to see her standing there with a coffee in her hand. After she walked towards him and sit on the wooden seat beside him. "Go away," Soonyoung shut his eyes again and rolled over he could bury his face." He heard a small sigh from her mouth. Honestly, he does feels guilty but the anger within him can not be contained.

"I'm sorry, Soonyoung ," she look at his back, "But,everyone is looking for you. They are getting ready to head back to the dorm." She placed her hand gently on his hair to try encourage him to get up but it only made Soonyoung groan and made a fire that bubbling earlier pit of his stomach. "Hah, just go back to your boyfriend and don't mind me," He starting to gettin annoyed, "And leave me alone," She let out a little giggle.

"Oh my god, are you serious? You are my boyfriend. I thought that this was actually serious, that's why i'm here. Where else would i be? Look at me babe," She placed her hand onto his cheeks. "What are you talking about? I thought we broke up." Soonyoung look at her eyes ,his eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. She tilted her head a bit. "When did we broke up?" She trying to recall their conversation they had when they fought. She couldn't remember so much but she know for a fact that the "broke up" things work what is like. "All i remember i was being mad and throwing cheese at you."

"So we are not broken up?" Soonyoung looked at her and place his hand at her cheeks. "Yah! You idiot." She laughed out loud. "Oh my god,thank you god." A smile finally made it across his mouth before pulling her into his hug. "I thought i would never get to do this again. You are mine. Don't let the other members touch you again! Especially Hansol." He frowned. "This was so silly." She placed a kiss on whatever skin she could reach ; she think it was his neck's. "What are we even fighting about?"

"I dont know-" The two were interruped by the door they both looked up to see Hansol standing bye the door.

"OOOOOO..... You two made up already?" a frown came out from his face. "So now how am i supposed to cuddle with noona? ah.. i should come up with another idea to get you both into fight again lol." He took out his tongue to tease his hyung. "Yah! Choi Hansol! You little brat!!" Soonyoung too tired to pursue him so he just stay still and kisses her face again and again.


Note : Hallo! i'm so bad at writing ending so i'm sorry... enjoy and sorry for typos! Thank you <3

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