Broken and Shattered

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"You brought me sunshine when I only saw rain. You brought me laughter when I only felt pain."
    ~Donna Donathan

    I glanced at the watch that hung off my thin, boney wrist. It read.
7:35am. I had ten minutes before class started. I pulled myself away from my window seat. I grabbed my bag and left, closing the door softly behind me.
The walk to the math room took five minutes. When I arrived, I found that I was the only one there. I let myself in and took my favorite seat by the window.
"Good morning Miss carter." Professor Lagassi said once I had settled in.

"Good morning." I replied in a polite manner.

I spent the remaining time thinking about next block. I was nervous yet excited to see him. I had took extra time getting ready this morning. My hair fell down my back in graceful curls. Jeans hugged me in all the right places and a soft brown sweater clung to my body. Pink lipstick was painted on my full lips.
I was so lost in my thoughts that when the bell rang I jumped. I picked up my bag and was the first one out the door. We had ten minutes between each block, but I headed straight for the ELA room. I stopped outside his classroom, my heart pounding. I raised my hand to knock, but stopped when the door opened. I stared up into his honey colored eyes. He was the most gorgeous and mysterious man I have ever met. His shaggy light brown hair fell just before his eyes. He had a little bit of stubble, which made him seem even more hot. His eyes were dull. Scars lined his tan face. From the moment I had met him I was intrigued by his scars. I could tell he was embarrassed by them, but I loved them. They are what makes him, beautiful.

"I saw you coming." His gravely voice reached my ears.

"Sorry I'm so early. I don't have anywhere else to go." I said, shifting nervously.

He smiled at me and stood aside for me to enter.

"No worries, you're always welcome." I smiled at him before I entered. I could feel his eyes on me as I made my way to my seat in the front row.

"How are you enjoying language arts this year?" He asked me as I leaned against my desk.

"I love it." I didn't tell him I loved it because he was teaching. He only assumed I loved it because it was my favorite subject.


"Yes professor Black?"

He opened his mouth as if to ask something, but he looked unsure. I waited patiently.
"If there is anything going on you can come to me. You know that right?" He was looking at me with almost pleading eyes. I was surprised at his offer, but I nodded anyways.
"You can always come to me as well." I don't know what made me say it, but I meant every word. He was standing now. I watched him move towards me so he was in front of my desk. I took a deep breath trying to control my racing heart. I swear he could hear it.

"Mabel I..."
The bell rang.
Students piled in.
I never got to hear what he was gonna say.

                        Chapter 2
    "The Greatest Love stories are not those in which love is only spoken, but those in which it is acted upon."
~Steve Maraboli

    "No sir."
"Then please explain to me how you messed up the ingredients, Evelina." Professor Charlie drawled in a bored voice.
"I..I." Evelina stammered, desperately trying to come up with a excuse. I felt bad for her. No one deserves to get on professor Charlie's bad side.
"It was my fault sir." I said before I could stop myself. The class turned to look at me. I gulped when his black eyes pierced mine.

"How so?" He asked, his voice low, but deadly.

" wrote down the ingredients for her and I must have missed a couple." His eyes narrowed dangerously.
"You foolish girl. You could have gotten us all killed. Next time you make a stupid move, you will have detention for a month! Do I make myself very clear?" He snarled.
I nodded firmly. I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of knowing that he scared me.
That wasn't what I had expected in the least. At least I didn't get detention tonight. I glanced at Evelina to see her staring at me with wide eyes. I was about to speak to her when Processor Charlie spoke.
"I want a three page essay on chemical reactions on my desk by next week. You may go." He dismissed us just as the bell rang.
As usual I was the first one out of the room.
"Mabel!" I heard a voice behind me yell. I turned around and watched Evelina push her way through the crowd.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2017 ⏰

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