1. Old and New friendships

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Halls echoed with youthful chatter, Barry Allen, a lanky blond wearing an oversized hoodie and worn down sneakers, leaned on a locker seeming content with the conversation he was having with Iris West, the lively redheaded reporter for the school paper. He laughed at the story she was telling was of what she encountered walking to school.

Barry occasionally walked with Iris in the morning, but today he decided to sleep in after a long night of fighting crime, it was one of the times he was glad he had late arrival as a first period. He felt bad for making excuses about why he wasn't around all the time and the guilt constantly nagged him anytime he was with Iris. But he was worried about the long term affects if Iris knew and if she would even want to know. He constantly debated the argument in his head not sure what to do.

He lost his track of thought when a big, bulky guy jerked at Barry's shoulder and pinned him to a locker. He had nearly missed hitting the handle, which Barry took as a win. Iris, on the hand, looked a whole new level of pissed, her face was bright red, but she maintained a level head.

"Hey Allen," the unfriendly threat sneered. "What are you up to?"

"Hey! Leave him alone! When are you going to grow up and stop acting like a twelve year old?" Iris yelled, clearing losing out to her temper. She was always an activist against bullying in any and all forms, and when it's against her best friend she will definitely fight back.

Barry knew could beat this guy and publicly embarrass him in seconds, he's done similar thing to plenty of people who where much more of a threat, but he wouldn't. He was adamant against using his powers against people who weren't an actual threat. He shot Iris a reassuring glance and small smile that he was okay, but that didn't stop the looks he was getting from the other students in the hall.

A dark haired guy was slouching with a clinched his jaw, he looked like he wanted to do something, but couldn't. Next to him stood a dark haired lady, Lois Lane Barry recalled who worked with Iris on the school newspaper.

Everyone stood just watching except a tall, lean brunette who seemed annoyed by the bigger man use of force.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing?" The brunet had a cocky walk and a sly smile as he walked up to the bully, "he wasn't bothering you, so why are you bothering him?" 

"Why do you care? It not any of your business," they bully replied, tightening his grip on Barry. Barry made a slight surprised wheezing sound.

"I suggest you leave him alone," the other teen replied. He looked like he wanted the guy to make a move, tempting him to do something.

"Or what, Jordan?" The bully stared at him, lessening the grip on Barry's shirt. Although, Barry wasn't sure if he's feet were still on the ground.

"Or this..." the brunet punched the bigger man in the face with a cocky smile and not even phased by the look he was from the bully.

Barry fell to the ground as he was dropped. "You're going to pay for that," the bully turns, preparing to punch back.

"Tony! What do you think you are doing?" A teacher calls from her classroom, "do I need to send you to your AP (assistant principal)?" 

"No," Tony replies bitterly turning to Barry, "I'll see you tomorrow." The other guy raised his eyebrows at the threat, but refused to make a comment.

The anger on Tony's face hadn't faded, but he reluctantly walked way as the teacher was staring him down with an unamused look on her face.

Barry scanned the hall, making note that the dark haired guy loosened up, nodding to whatever the other journalist was saying. While others seemed to ease up after the tense scene. Usually students would be riled up by conflict, but most were so used to Tony picking on Barry they didn't even bother to cheer on or intervene. But it still was a sight to watch in the hall of the school.

"Thanks," Barry mumbled, turning to the brunet, his face still a little pink and awkwardly rubbing his shoulder.

"It's no problem, the guy is an asshole," the cocky man said, holding his hand out as a friendly gesture.

"Barry Allen," he replied, giving the the man a firm hand shake.

"Geez, is he always this tense?" He asked turning to Iris as she gave an affirmative nod with a chuckle. "Hal Jordan."

~Fun Edits, Woo!!!~

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