(Young Dracula FanFiction) The Transformation

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Hi Everyone!! So this is just a little note to say, I did not create these characters mentioned below, this story is my own spin off of the CBBC series 'Young Dracula'

My story is set between the end of the second series, after Vlad and the Count fled Stokely and their journey up to the beginning of series three, when we see a grown up Vlad, who has seemingly undergone his full transformation (even though we see him return to the blood mirror in series three....I'm pretty sure he has already undergone his full transformation at 16, and that was just a return for the rest of his power)

So again, I don't own these characters and the laws and stories they follow, but I'm making up the whole scenario!



Chapter 1

The twelve lamp posts that ran down Stokely Hill Drive cast a warm orange glow, illuminating the awkward path and road, as the light was reflected in various puddles that were scattered around the street, the still silent liquid, which also mirrored the stars splashed across the black velvet sky above.

A figure steps into the first pool of lamp light. Distinguished under the light, it is easy to tell they are male, but due to height and build it is also clear they are probably in their midteens. Wearing dark, worn out clothing from head to toe, with their hood pulled low over their face, which makes sense as the cold air bites tonight, but that doesn't concern them.

The boy hesitates, he doesn't want to be here, not completely. A few memories play across his mind, he forces back a little grin as they are good memories, but they hurt now, because the other he shared them with doesn't remember them.

His first friend, best friend and the first human he ever met Robin Branagh does not even know he existed, the name Vladimir Dracula would mean nothing to him anymore. Vlad pauses, as if a stature beneath the lamp, straining his ears slightly, focusing his hearing on one house...

"Robin Branugh! Will you turn that damn light off and get some sleep!" shouted Mr. Branugh "It's school in the morning Robin" Mrs.Branugh chorused in sweetly with her husband. In the next door bedroom a boy huffs, ruffling his black unruley hair and peering with tired eyes at his alarm clock on his desk '12.35' it wasn't that late for Robins standards, closing the book he'd been sketching in since making an excuse to leave the dinner table early to do 'homework'.

Pages upon pages of gothic style fantasy doodles filled the books pages-werewolves, demons, shadows; all haunting the pages with dark smudges, piecing eyes and the most frequent creature of all things dark Robin occupied the pages with, his personal favourite since he was probably able to walk and talk, Vampires.

Robin rose from his cluttered desk, which sat beneath his bedroom window, which faced out onto the front street, he causally peered into the darkness of the witching hour, scanning the road absent mindedly. Just as he began to pull the shabby and equally sad black curtains together, his attention was captured by a figure moving up his street. They disappeared and reappeared beneath each street lamp, Robin mused the idea randomly- it was as if the darkness kept spitting them back out into the warm light before briefly swallowing them whole again. Just as the stranger reached the twelfth lamp post that sat outside the Brangunah house hold they looked up, and Robin cursed under his breath. Not only was his light probably the only one on, on the street, shining and letting anyone see inside his room and forgettably letting anyone like the stranger see him staring curiously outside. However it was perculiar, the stranger who Robin could make out was just a teenager, another boy probably his own age, wandering the streets, had stopped on looking up at Robins window, his dull grey jackets hood was pulled too low over his face for Robin to see him properly, but he could see the guy was probably a little shocked, scared even, at realising he was being watched, he stood rooted to the spot. After a moment he raised his hand up at Robin, almost like a wave before he quickly walked on, continuing up the path that would eventually lead to Stokely Castle, not looking back. Robin puzzled over the strangers behaviour, it had been unusual but staring out at someone and waving at someone? Hey! Stranger danger points for both of them! But honestly? He didn't care, he would have reacted the same...maybe? it's not like Robin didn't mind how reclusive and introverted he was as a person, he did sometimes, but he'd made new friends recently, he wasn't as alone as he'd been for years before, however having someone actually acknowledge him out of possibly pure curtesy felt kind of good. Finally he closed his curtains and flicked the switch to his desk light, allowing the comfort of moon light that seeped though the gap in the curtains wash over him, as sleep came on all at once.

Vlad had tuned his hearing into the Branaghs house when they called to Robin to sleep, his bat like hearing had improved as he had gotten older, plus with the added bonus that he was 'the chosen one' he had been training and working with these powers for much longer then most pre-vampire vampires his own age, if a pin dropped Vlad would know. He also knew on he couldn't miss this opportunity to see Robin one last time, even though it had be years since he'd seen the vampire obsessed boy from his childhood. And he was in luck. Because as he sped towards that house, the house that in someway neighboured in the shadows of the castle his family once owned, he could already sense someone was watching him. Robin didn't look much different to Vlad,  as he peeked up, staring at his old friend. Yes, he was much taller, as his shoulders had broadened, his hair still a little shaggy and obviously he wasn't wearing a black cape! But it was still Robin.

How unfair it felt.

How unfair it was Vlad knew so much of Robins real past,

The past where Robin had spent almost everyday up at Stokley Castle with Vlad and his Vampiric family,

The past that Robin had helped Vlad to learn what being human could really be like, even though in reality Robin revelled in the weird and wonderful not so average human expectations, but Vlad admired that about him,

It was unfair as Vlad could never speak to him again,

And it was so so so unfair that Vlad could never thank him, for everything.

He'd walked on past the Braunghs house refusing to stare back after waving- a stupid mistake but screw it, he wanted to make some impact on Robin, he wanted to give him some sort of sign of appreciation. He didn't dare head towards the Castle; let's just say some sibling quarrels are better left alone for awhile. And so he waited momentarily for Robin to close his curtains before he backtracked the way he came and began running , hurtling down the hill, in control of his not so smooth speed, all the way to the bus stop he knew to be 3 streets away. He wanted to pound the emotions out of his mind, pain, anger, worry, fright, concern, he wanted to stop hearing them and the running was focusing him on other things, drawing out all of his emotions but still at the same time, he would also never trade these feelings, as emotions made him feel alive. And tomorrow when Vlad turned 16, they may all be gone. Tomorrow would be his day to face the blood mirror.

Swallowing in even greater fear he reminded himself "Tomorrow, I become a vampire"

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