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  The gong is what I can hear. The foyer is cold, ice cold like the wind outside of the building. I don't know, what I am doing, nor I know what my name is. But I know one thing: this isn't the place I belong to. Claiming all my stuff, I hurry down the foyer to gather more information about this place. No soul is at the service. What the actual fuck is happening here? Why am I alone? The lights here and outside twinkle like stars in the galaxy, almost facing the dark. What should I do now? I'm kinda screwed.

Anybody who reads this, please help me! Help! Oh dang, the lights are gone. Total, pitch black darkness crosses me with a bright smile. Jesus, if you hear me, I still believe in you and your might. I'm here, needing your help.
What is this laughter? Holy shit, I'm scared as fuck. What an sadistic laugh. Is he...kinda torturing someone? Wow, what deep thoughts I have. Strange. Strange like the place here, embraced with my oblivion.
I wanted to die in peace, freedom, gladness! All I got is suffering, tiredness and a cold. Damn.

The laughters volume goes up. Jeez, what the Hell? Going upstairs, I can barely see four doors, placed randomly in every corner. Which one should I open? I take the first one and enter. No fucking way! What is this?! A blue, big mass is cornering me from every side. What is going on?
"Ben, you okay? Can you hear me?"
"Who's there?"
"Your girlfriend, Jennifer"
Silence. A very long time.
"It can't be..."
"But it is, my dear. Didn't you miss me?"
"Of course I do! But...You.."
"What's up?"
"You died six months ago! How can you be fully alive?! Are you a ghost or something like that?"
"I'm embarrassed that you think I'm a ghost. Did our long holding bond never meant something to You? Have you cheated on me?"
"Wait...no! What are you talking about?"
"Im waiting, honey. Waiting since 7 years. I'm getting tired, you know"
I don't give her a respond.
"In the time I had waiting for You, I thought every second of You, holding my hand, laughing with me, buying me some stupid presents"
She laughs.
"But it's over I guess".

The structure disappears and I wake up. Every classmate is looking to me, the teacher either. They asked me if I'm okay, because I whispered in my sleep.
After these moments, I knew, it was a dream. But also a vision, searching solutions.
Wait, the world is changing again. Now I am...in a grey prison which is locked heavily from outside. With sleepy eyes I can see doctors who talk about something. What's going on? What is wrong with me? One of them opens the heavy door and takes a deep breath.
"Ben, are you alright?"
"Of course I am! What's up, Doc?"
"Glad to hear. Your suspection has ended, and we wanted to tell you the results"
"Okay, keep going"
"Ben, you are harmed in the psychic part of your body. Your brain can't recover from it's power, so you are..."
He's getting low.
"So I'm a freak, right?"
"That's not what I wanted to say.."
"But you aren't negating it"
"I'll get you some coffee. Hold on for a moment"
There he goes.
So is it true? I'm a psychopath? A freakin daydreamer with bad thoughts? Is this what my life is for?
"Ben, you got a guest. Say hello" *says another doc. A tall, beautiful woman enters my prison. I can't remember who it is.
"Honey, are you okay? I'm here, how you wanted!"
"Who are You?"
"...never heard of it"
"You've gotta be kidding me!"
"Ma'am, please, reconsider that Ben is in an unstable phase with long attitudes of pain-"
"Don't tell me what to do!" *she yells to him*
*I can feel my rage, my anger boiling up*
"Don't talk to him like that." *I say*
"Your demise is in my hands"
"What the fuck are you talking about?"

That's enough. I get on my feets and hit her right in the face. Blood is spoiling out. The doctors gonna catch me, but I won't stop. My fist hits her harder and harder. That's it. Her pulse isn't there. She's dead. Fulfilled of hate, I scream, then it's going to be black.  

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