P D M A - part 1

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Hi readers. First of all pasang tau Lagu tu Okeh☝🏻
Ok so let's start.


"Helo? Kigawa? I just landed so you're gonna pick me up or I just take a cab to your house?"
Tanya mikael yg sedang menelefon rakannya sejak University dulu
Dan kini mereka baru sahaja graduate.
Mikael mengambil keputusan untuk travel around the world untuk ambik shot2 yg menarik di Negara orang.
So sekarang dia mulakan dengan Jepun. Tempat tinggal rakannya.

"No no I'll just pick you up, mika. It will be a problem for you to take a cab here in Japan. I'll be there in a few minutes." Balas kigawa

"Oh okay, man. I'll be waiting at Starbucks "


Mikael mematikan iPhone nya.

Dia melangkah masuk ke Starbucks utk membeli air.

"One cappuccino caramel please."
Pesan mikael kepada cashier tersebut.

"Okey. You may have a seat first, sir"

Mikael melangkah ke tempat yang berdekatan untuk Duduk sebelum
Dia dilanggar seorang perempuan dan melencunkan hampir semua bajunya!

"Oh god my drink! You're the one who caused my drink spilled." Marah perempuan tersebut

'Pahal tho minah ni! Dia yang langgar aku pastu marah aku! Bukannya nk mintak maaf!'

" I'm sorry miss, but I think you're the one who should being sorry than being angry to me cause its your fault. "
Balas Mikael.

"Uhh never mind." Sambil menjulingkan mata dan beredar meninggalkan Mikael begitu sahaja.

"Pahal duh minah tu" bentak mikael sendiri


Dalam kereta kigawa

"So what's wrong with your shirt man?😂 you smelled like starbucks "
Gelak kigawa

"Shut it up man. There was an annoying girl hit me and spilled her own coffee on me!"

"Wooo relax man its okay. So where you headed tomorrow?"

"Hm Mount Fuji I guess."

"Alright good choice. I'll drop you there tomorrow "

"Where you're going tommorow?"

"I'm going to Tokyo for some works. So I slept there for a few days. You can have my keys. No one will be at my home. And if you want to go anywhere, just check out my garage."

Haihhh untung la kau kigawa..
anak orang kaya.

"Alright thanks man"

Setibanya di Rumah kigawa,
Mikael kagum dengan kemewahan rumah rakannya


      "That's your room, mika. Go and rest. I know you're tired enough"

" oh alright."

Mikael memulas tombol pintu dan hampir pengsa setelah melihat kecantikan billik tersebut. Mikael merebahkan dirinya di atas Katil king tersebut..

"Kenapa aku duk pikir pasal pompuan tadi je duh"
Fikir Mikael


So how's my story guys?!
Well relax ler.
Keep on baca klu nk tau biler dia jumpa minah kerek tuh😁

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2017 ⏰

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