A Cinderella story in the making...
Orphaned at the age of 10, Kristine Carol Wright was left to the custody of her evil stepmother, Kamila Jones-Wright. Turned into a house servant days after her father's death, Kristine have to live a miserable life-far away from what she once had.
A broken-hearted Prince Charming...
A month had passed but the issue of his scandalous break-up with fellow singer, Taylor Swift is still as hot as the sun. World-famous and handsome, Harry Styles got everything he needs. Until he had his reputation tainted with rumours, and his heart shattered into pieces.
A tragic fairytale...
When paths cross and destinies meet, the inevitable plans of fate can only lead to one: either a happy ending or a life-wrecking tragedy.
Agreeing to be Harry Styles's pretend-girlfriend, Kristine Carol has to live with the whole band, One Direction-by hook or by crook. But as someone fall in love, someone fall out of it.
And when hearts spoke, there ain't turning back anymore.
The Impersonator
FanficShe's an orphan eager to go to college to get free from her cruel stepmother and evil stepsisters. He is a pop star trying to move on from a bitter relationship. A story about a controversial contract, a jealous ex-girlfriend, a concerned friend, m...