Moments- A Niall Horan FanFic

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Chapter One

            We had been in the same geometry class since grade 9. Ever since the first day, I’d had a crush on her. I never figured she would notice me though. She was popular and smart and pretty, while I was the dorky musician. That all changed however, on June 10th in the summer of grade 11.

            I was a week into my first summer job at the local coffee shop. It was an alright job. Not too exciting, but the pay was good. I was in the midst of a particularly slow day, our only customer being a businessman who came in everyday. I was wiping down the tables for what felt like the 50th time, when I heard the bell above the door jingle. I looked up, surprised someone would be coming in after such a slow day. But it wasn’t just someone. I stopped moving, my breath catching in my throat. It was her. We locked eyes and she smiled, walking over. “Hey! You’re in my geometry class right? The musician?”

            I just stared at her in shock. She knew me? Rebekah Boulton, the most popular girl in school, knew me, Niall Horan, the dorky musician? “Uh…yeah. Niall.” I stammered, shaking my head.

            “Yeah.” She replied, smiling brightly.

            “Sooo…. do you want… coffee?”  I asked uncertainly, half reaching for the coffee pot.

            Rebekah made a face. “Ech! No, green tea please.”

            I mumbled something incoherent in reply, turning to brew her tea. I fumbled around with the mugs and kettle, finally managing to get it poured and delivered.

“Thanks.” She said, flashing a brilliant smile.

“N-no problem.” I replied, wincing internally at my involuntary stutter. I turned, cheeks flaming, and walked back behind the counter, where my best friend Kayli was gaping at me.

“Is that her?!” she hissed, staring at Rebekah. I groaned.

“I never should have told you.”

A big grin spread across Kayli’s face. “It IS her! Niall! She is so pretty! Should I talk to her? Organize your wedding?” she asked, starting forward.

“No!” I yelled, panicking.  Rebekah glanced over, startled by my outburst. I smiled and did an awkward little wave, and as soon she turned away, I grabbed Kayli’s arm and drug her into the staff room.

“Kayli! You can not say anything to Rebekah! I shouldn’t have even told you about my crush.” I antagonized, pacing.

“Chill Horan. She’s leaving anyway.” She replied, peering out the door.

“What?” I demanded, pushing past Kayli just in time to see the door closing behind Rebekah. “Oh. Well ok then.” Why hadn’t I just talked to her? Kayli went to collect the money left on Rebekah’s table as I sat down gloomily behind the cash register.

“Niall……” Kayli said in a singsong voice. I looked up, and she was holding a napkin out for me, a huge grin on her face.

“Huh? What’s this?” I asked, taking the napkin.

“Just read it!” she urged, still with a Cheshire Cat-like grin upon her face. I looked down at the neat handwriting. It took me a minute to process what I was seeing. It was number, and below it, a big loopy R.

“Woah.” I whispered. I had my dream girl’s number in my hand. A surge of happiness went through me, but was quickly squashed. “I can’t call.” I said, crumpling the paper up.

“What?! Why not?” Kayli cried.

“I just can’t. She’s popular. I’m… not. She’d never go on a date with me. It was probably a joke.” I said sadly.

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