Part 1

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"Words hurt like knives", that's a typical phrase used. But it should be changed, "People hurt like knives", because people is the one that says those words, people is the one that thinks those disgusting shit. People is the one that hurts other.

All my life I've been called many things, that much that I don't have enough fingers to count them. When they say you grow stronger because of that they are wrong, in a certain way it does make you feel stronger, but in most cases it makes you feel like a little weak piece of crap. Because you believe the words they spit, that they are stuck in your head, that you think you hear them every second, but nobody is talking, nobody is saying them.

Each word was a new cut. Each word was a new reminder. Each word was a new punch in the gut. Every word was the flame inside of me slowly disappering. I feel the ghost, I feel the demons of those days behind me, following me everywhere. They attack me when I feel down, they take control of me, they are the ones writting this, they are the ones that defend me from the world, they became my friends.

I just want to be saved.

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