Note to Readers

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Hello, all.

So I finished the True Hearts series about a month or two ago, and I am waist-deep in mass-editing the series. There is a lot that has been done, and still a lot more to be done, but I realized in the midst of it all I skipped over the first book. The one that started it all.

Daughter of the Demon.

Why? Who knows. It was written almost four years ago, in a time that seems so far away, and honestly, it was almost just not a part of the series. But of course, in actuality, it was. The very first book. And when I went back and reread it, you know what? I thought I could do better.

Once upon a time there was a thirteen-year-old girl who sat down at a computer and started a book, and she discovered Wattpad and took the time to post that book. She never thought it would become so popular, but when it did, she was happy.

That was years ago.

Now, that isn't to say I'm not proud of the first book, because I am. I rocked the hell out of that book, in my opinion, because it was so personal to me at the time. But now, I just feel I can do it more justice.

I wasn't completely knolwedgeable on the concept of depression, and I didn't have the right words or the right mindset or the right skills to convey the true message Daughter of the Demon held. Experience and tragedy have opened my eyes.

You may not care at all. You may have read this and been severely unimpressed. You my have hated the book. Well, now, I'm asking you for a second opinion. I have taken it upon myself to rewrite the entire book. It will most likely be longer, some parts will be the same, some added, others cut out entirely. In the end, the plot in its entirety will be more mature, have more emotion, and be everything I wanted it to be from the beginning but couldn't quite achieve.

So this is for all of you True Hearts fans out there, or those who simply enjoyed reading Daughter of the Demon on its own. I hope I do not let you down.

See you soon,


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